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A/N: this chapter contains mentions of heavy drinking. Drink responsibly kids !

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Internal Noise
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Saturday afternoon. I kept looking at the address Haechan sent me.

Should I go? Yeah... what's wrong with having some fun right? But I don't wanna go alone... screw it, who cares? They're probably bad anyway. No... I've heard him sing, so I know he's not bad. Whatever! I'm going.

After showering and picking out a good outfit, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Was I trying too hard to look good? Why did it even matter?

It's not like I'm actually into him or anything. Wait. Am I into him? Nah, no way. He's just an annoying kid.

— ☔︎ —

Their little concert was actually pretty great. I didn't expect I would enjoy a cover band so much.

"Nari!" I heard him call me through the noise of the bar.

"Hey!" I yelled back, "you were really good!"

"Thanks! Come with me!" He grabbed my hand before I could reply and took me to an area backstage where his band members were hanging.

"Guys, this is Nari. Nari this is Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun," he introduced.

"Hey, you guys were great," I smiled. They all thanked me. They were a nice bunch. I was glad they didn't act as annoying as Haechan.

"Guys, let's go to the club next door," Jaemin started, "I heard there's a new DJ."

Everyone but me quickly agreed and they started to walk out of the backstage area of the small bar.

"You coming?" Haechan asked me.

"I don't think so... I'm not really a club person," I smiled awkwardly.

"Aw don't be like that," Jeno said. "Yeah, it'll be fun," Renjun added.

I can't believe I'm being talked into going clubbing right now... what sort of teacher can't overcome peer pressure?!

Fuck it.

"Okay, fine," I said and they all smiled.

I couldn't help but be a little excited. I was always so busy that I'd use my free time to relax and do nothing, like an old lady. What kind of 24-year-old doesn't enjoy clubbing?

Once we made it inside, the place wasn't so bad. Neon blue and red lights flashed all over the ceiling, and with the dimmed lighting, I could barely see where I was stepping.

It was only midnight, so I expected the place to be a little empty.

Isn't peak club time 2 a.m.? Have things changed in the past four years?

Haechan must have seen how carefully I was walking because without me even noticing he took my hand again. My first instinct was to shake him off, but he was just being helpful, right?

We reached the bar by the back wall and the guys ordered some drinks. I ordered something for me too. I was already there, might as well enjoy the night. Problem was, I didn't really know drinks like that, so I ended up asking the bartender to make me something he thought I would like.

Soon enough, I was presented with a cool looking drink, the glass was completely filled, which made me guess it wasn't strong alcohol. It was pretty, colored in shiny blue and with a sticky rim of sugar. It was delicious, I couldn't even taste the alcohol.

Maybe he saw how clueless I was and gave me a virgin drink?

I drank the first glass and chugged down a second. I'm not sure what came over me, but I didn't want to think of my responsibilities that night.

"Where are you going?" Haechan yelled over the loud music. "Dancing!" I yelled back.

Not long after, he followed me into the crowd. I jumped and moved to the rhythm. In my head I was a great dancer, but thinking back on it, I'm not so sure.

"Are you drunk?" He asked me. I moved closer to him, pushed by the people around me, "no, I'm just having fun! I can have fun too you know!" The music changed, "I love this song!"

I completely let myself go. The neon lights flashing around me making me feel like I was in a movie. The ecstatic feeling that came over me couldn't be tamed, and I turned and turned until I felt a pair of hands on my hips, pinning my back against their chest.

The beat kept speeding up and so did our movements. Rocking my hips along with his before finally turning to face him. "Hey," I whispered, my face so close to his I was sure he could hear me.

"You can dance," he said in my ear, grabbing my waist to pull me closer. I giggled at his comment and brought my hands up to his chest in an attempt to push him off, but he grabbed them, "stop pushing me away."

Under the low blue light of the club I could barely see Haechan's eyes, hooded behind what was a thick layer of alcohol. I scanned his face, from his messy hair to his parted lips, and in the heat of the moment I closed the gap between us.

He was quick to kiss back, his hands leaving my arms and resting on my lower back. I brought mine up to his neck where a slight coat of sweat was. The heat in the club increasing with all the moving bodies around us.

I could taste the fragrance of my drink mixed with the strong liquor of his as our tongues danced together. I rocked my hips forward again, his left hand going lower, and lower.

And as we kissed, and danced, and drank, the night slowly began to blur.

And as we kissed, and danced, and drank, the night slowly began to blur

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