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Internal Noise
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"So, you haven't watched it... good," worry plastered his features.

"Boyoung's video? Why does everyone keep talking about that? I haven't seen it, I was going to watch it now."

I walked to the couch, taking a seat, and emptying the bag of snacks on the coffee table in front of me, "I don't know why I'm involved, but I hope she stops ruining Taeyong's life soon. It's really making me mad..."

"Taeyong? Your coworker?" He asked, sitting next to me.

I opened a bag of chips, eating some, "yeah, that bitch cheated on him. Poor guy, he's been mopping around, all sad because of her, she didn't deserve him," Hyuck's face was pale, "you okay?" I asked him, offering him a chip.

"What do you think is going on?" He asked refusing the snack, while I kept eating, "I don't know, but I sure hope she's not blaming me for their brake up," I sat back comfortably, gulping down some water I had also bought, "play it. The video. My phone turned off at work earlier."

"Wait... before you watch it... I think you should hear it from me first."

"Hyuck, what is it?"

He stayed quiet, looking down at his lap, biting his bottom lip forcefully. Not finding the right words to use.

Why's he so worried? Just how much shit did that bitch talk about me that would make me as mad as he thinks? I couldn't care less what her stupid opinions were of me and my friend.

I searched the video on his phone and pressed play.

"Hey guys, BoBoBeauty here."

Her awful fake crying only got worse the second time.

"I know you all have noticed I've been sad lately... and I wanted to make this video because you deserve to know the truth. I won't take forever to say this. I don't think it's fair to you guys... recently my boyfriend and I broke up. I won't lie, it was my fault. I fell in love with someone else. I know, I'm an awful person, but he didn't love me either. After we broke up, he moved on very quickly and even went out on dates... I was heartbroken."

"Bullshit! He's still crying about her!" I couldn't contain my remark.

"Aside from that, the one I truly love, I know some of you know who I'm talking about, decided to break my heart too. No matter how much I did to be with him... he still treats me like trash, and I can't take this anymore. I thought it was all my fault... that I wasn't enough for him... but then I realized it was because of another girl. He's even calling her his girlfriend now," she kept crying and sobbing. Acting like the victim in the world's most scandalous affair.

Pfft. Give me a break.

"This girl... I won't say her name, but I'm sure you'll figure it out anyways, is the same girl that stole my boyfriend from me."

I looked at the screen incredulously. What the hell is she talking about? Did Taeyong actually find someone new this fast?

"Guys," she cried, "this girl has been stealing everyone I care about from me. I don't know why she hates me so much, I literally haven't done anything to her, but she keeps harming me like this! I don't know what to do anymore... I can't believe this is happening to me. But, I thought you guys should know because you're my family, my BoBoLoves... please don't make a big deal out of this... and like and subscribe to my channel... it would really lift up my mood."

I scoffed.

After all that she still told people to like and subscribe?!

"I don't get it. I mean, she's ridiculous, but what does this have to do with-"

I scrolled down to the comment section, a particular one calling my attention.

"She's obviously talking about Haechan guys. The gamer."

My heart sank. What? The comment had a bunch of replies.

"I knew it !!"

"Yeah, she's always talking about him"

"I HATE HIM he's not even funny and he's awful at games"

"She didn't say that. Stop assuming things."

"I never liked that guy!"

"Yeah I saw his new video with his supposed "girlfriend" ew. They don't even look good together. BoBo is so much prettier!!!"

I sat up, straightening my back against the couch cushion. My eyes scanned the words on the screen over and over again. My brain felt like it was on fire. So many lose strands of information finally connecting at the sight of that comment.

"This was about you?" I looked at Hyuck whose eyes were wider than usual, looking down at his phone's screen. "So," I continued, "I'm the boyfriend stealing bitch? But- I didn't steal Taeyong away from her. I-"

"She misunderstood," he spoke up, "I mean, I thought there was something between you too..."

"What? No! There never was," I stood up, starting to get agitated, "and what's all this about you? What, did you go out with her too? What-" my jaw dropped at the realization, "oh my god. It was you."


"You're the one she cheated with."


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