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A/N: 5k reads :')

Did you guys watch Hyuck's live today? He looked so cute with his bucket hat >.<

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Internal Noise
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It was a rash decision.

The moment the words "I quit" came out of my mouth I realized the error I had committed, but it was too late to take them back.

I hated my pride. I hated it so much for not letting me back down, for not letting me apologize to those parents, even though I really hadn't done anything wrong.

I sighed, resting my head against the cold, glass window of the bus. Slowly making my way home. A home I knew I couldn't afford without a stable salary.

Fuck him. Fuck that school. I never wanted to work there anyway. It was only temporary.

I acted tough. Telling myself that I would be okay, even if I was jobless. I tried convincing myself that it wasn't a big deal.

I'm young, I'll be okay.

I will be okay...


"It'll pass" and "I'll be fine" turned out to be pathetic hopes as the minute I got home I fell to my knees crying.

I was going to miss them. Jeongin, Hyeongjun, Jisung, Yuna... all my students.

I'm such an idiot! Why did I do that? I should've just kept my head low and asked for forgiveness.

There was a rattling at the door, "babe, something great just happe- hey, are you okay? What's going on? Are you hurt?" Hyuck's voice cut through my tears. It was full worry, making him instantly kneel down and wrap an arm around me as I shook my head no.

"Why are you crying?"

"I-" my voice was hoarse from the previous yelling and barely came out between my sobs, "I..."

"Shh. It's okay," he spoke softly into my hair. I turned to hug him, holding his waist tightly, finding comfort in his embrace.

We stayed like that until I managed to calm down, but not before damping his shirt with my tears. I looked at the mess I made as I pulled away, "sorry, I ruined your shirt," I looked up at him with puffy eyes. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek, softly wiping away my fallen tears.

"Wanna talk about it?" He offered me a hand that I gladly took. We walked over to the kitchen table where I sat and he brought me a glass of water. I sipped on the liquid and told him everything.

"That asshole," his hand closed in a tight fist. I placed mine on his to alleviate the tension. He sighed, looking at my sorry figure, "it's gonna be okay. You'll find a better job. I know it."

"Yeah, but how long is that gonna take?" My leg started bouncing anxiously under the table, "I don't have that much money saved, Hyuck... I can't ask my parents for help. They'll just tell me to move back home..."

"You can stay with me."

My foot stopped its anxious bounce. I was taken aback by his offer. How easily he said it. "Hyuck we've known each other for less than four months. That's really sweet of you but-"

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now