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A/N: thanks for 8k!!


This story is reaching it's end... I don't want it to, though :( it's my baby

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Internal Noise
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"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Mark quickly got up, standing in front of a sobbing Eunha, "I can explain," he said.

"You brought her here?!" In a second my blood started to boil even more than it already was.

The audacity of these people! Have they no shame?! Do they think that just because I haven't told Jaehyun I'm gonna let them do whatever they want?!

"Nari..." Eunha cried, hiding behind Mark's body, too scared to actually face me. "Please... don't be mad..." she spoke through sobs.

"Don't be mad?" I scoffed, "this is the last thing I thought would happen on this stupid trip! And you have the audacity to say 'don't be mad'?!"

I was getting way too tired of dealing with them. Did they not understand how messed up what they were doing was? And to be so shameless about it...

In the heat of the moment, I was forgetting the reason I had gone into that room in the first place until I heard his voice.

"Nari, stop yelling. You don't know what's going on." I looked to my left. Hyuck stood there with a packet of tissues. My eyes scanned his body.

All sorts of thoughts ran through my head. Why was he there? Did he know? Was he aware all along that Mark was doing this?! Was he helping him? Why didn't he say anything?! Why was he defending them?!

I would've kept standing there overthinking if it weren't for the feeling of my side being pushed past. In an instant I saw Taeyong grab him by the hem of his shirt and slam him against the wall.

"What the hell?!" Hyuck's voice was loud and confused.

I should've said something. Done something. But I couldn't move.

Taeyong's hand balled up into a fist ready to strike, "you fucking asshole! Do you like playing with people?! I can't believe I tried to push past things and get along with a piece of shit like you!"

I felt my arm being moved past again and saw how Jeno and Jaemin came rushing in, holding Taeyong back before he could land a hit.

The loudness of the room was chaotic, but a ringing in my ear kept muffling the sounds down. My eyes darted from Hyuck to Mark, to Taeyong being held back, to Eunha still crying, and I felt myself being pulled out of the room.

What the fuck was happening?

— ☔︎ —

That night I slept in Sanghee's room, Jaemin swapping with me after the fight. I could barely close my eyes, shocked at everything that had happened. Overthinking every little decision I had made up to that point.

I could hear the others fighting through the thin walls, I tried to ignore them, but how could I?

The next morning was quiet. Everyone got ready to leave. The atmosphere of the trip was ruined and I knew there was no fixing that.

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now