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Internal Noise
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One week.

Two weeks.

Our encounters kept becoming more frequent. I could never have guessed I would have this kind of relationship with someone, but I'm not complaining. It was simple. Fun. Casual. I didn't have to think of the consequences when I was with him.

From time to time, I would think about the words he said before this whole thing started.

"Is Haechanie jealous? Wow, you must really like me."

"Yeah, I do. So, stop going around with 'coworkers' and pay more attention to me."

We never brought that topic up. Did he mean it? Was it just because of the moment? I didn't dare to ask, afraid that the question would ruin what we had created.

I figured, even if my feelings were one-sided, I didn't want to let go of whatever he gave me.

That morning, I woke up more tired than usual. I had stayed up late grading some papers. In my cranky mood, I didn't even bother dressing nicely before I made my way to work.

The bus was taking longer than usual to get to the stop and I was starting to freak out, thinking of being late again. I didn't want to get in more trouble than I already was.


My phone lit up with a message:


Hey what's up u busy?

Hey :)
No, what's up?

Thought I should
let you know some
of our old friends
are coming to the city
this weekend
I'm gonna throw a
little party
Wanna come?

Sounds great
Let me know when
and where!

Awesome :))
Let's get itt !!

A party sounded great. It had been so long since I'd seen anyone from my high school. Plus, I felt in need to relieve some tension. All the school activities were really wearing me out.

— ☔︎ —

"Okay, everyone that was the bell. Sit down."

Half of the day had already passed. It was finally last period and I couldn't wait to get out of there. I still had some papers left to grade and couldn't relax until I was done, so I decided to give the students some busywork.

Yes, I know, I shouldn't give busywork, they'll just copy off each other and not learn a thing, blah blah...

I needed peace and quiet to finish the papers, and that was the only period that was ahead of all the others, so we could waste a bit of time.

"Miss! Jeongin is using his phone!" Yuna yelled from the back of the class.

"Ah! Shut up!" I heard Jeongin's voice yell back.

I looked up at the little scene with annoyance, "you know the rules Jeongin, put it away and do your work."

"Sorry," he mumbled, hiding the device.

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