Not The Only One....

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I sighed as I plopped down on the cold, metal table. I stared at the man in front of me wearing a long, white lab jacket and some black pants with scrubs for shoes. This was the guy that created me. 

Yes, I said created. Because I am a puppet.

Dwayne, the man who created me, designed me after he had heard about a man named Paul. From what I heard, he was an S-ranked criminal who had the body of a puppet. Dwayne thought it was one of the most fascinating things he had ever heard of. So naturally, he had to try and make one himself. So here I am. 

I have raven-black hair that cascades down to my waist. Gray eyes and a cute button nose. My body was created as the male fantasy of a girl's body. I was called a beautiful creation. But that's all I ever was; a creation. 

After he had finished his usual tests with me, I escaped up to my room. I lived in this medium-sized room of a lab that was designed to look like a hotel room. They thought it was a nice room. All I saw was emptiness.

I layed down on my bed and pulled out a scroll from underneath the mattress. I had snuck out one night to retrieve it from of the archives. I opened it and started to research all about this "Paul" guy. He sounded dangerous; my type of person. 

*knock knock*

I slipped the scroll in its hiding place and opened the door, revealing a drunk Dwayne. 

"Yes?" I asked, not really wanting to deal with the man I was slowly beginning to loathe.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

"What?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"I was thinking of creating another puppet like you. That way w-I'll have an entire army of invincible puppets."

"Sounds wonderful." I rolled my eyes.

"Great. I'm going to get started at once." He said as he took off down the hall. I followed in pursuit. 

"Dwayne?" I asked innocently.

"Yes, Jade?" That's the only thing he did right. Giving me a unique name.

"You are not going to make anymore people like me. I will not let you." I said with a sinister smile.

With that, my nails transformed into razor blades and I ran at him. I was too fast for him to catch me and I slashed his throat, killing him slowly. I went through all the files he left out and destroyed them all. 

I busted out the window and took off into the woods, never looking back. 

"Power Play"   //// The Lost Boys Imagines & Preferences - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now