Where You Go For Your First Date - Updated

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Carousel, where you two first met. Laughing, holding hands and simply enjoying your time together. He already made plans for a second date before the first one ever started.


You two stay in the cave. It was peaceful and beautiful without the other boys. 

He loved listening to you, always wanting to know more about your past. It made him feel closer to you. You managed to fall asleep on his shoulder with his arm wrapped around you.


You watch the sunset together and listen to the sound of the ocean. He was, surprisingly, a perfect gentleman. Always asking if it was okay to hold your hand or put his arm around you, wanting you to feel as comfortable as possible.


He takes you on a bike ride through the back roads to his favorite restaurant. 

You had no clue about it since you'd just moved there.


He takes you to the drive-in just down the street, wanting to see The Outsiders now that it was out. He bought the tickets and you sat silently in the dark, munching on the cheesy, but salty popcorn he bought you. 

When Daley died, you were in tears. He comfortingly put his arm around you and got you more candy afterwards.


He takes you on a walk with Nanook. Your watch reads 12am and the sky is clear. He held your hand, seeing as how you were afraid of the dark. 


To the carnival, it was. Enjoying each other's time and loving the energy of the citizens. You ride all the amusement rides and play half the games.


Back to his house, leaving Edgar to work the comic store. 

He made you dinner and you watched movies the rest of the evening. 


You girls go to the arcade, seeing who'd get the most tickets turning them in and getting the biggest prizes. 

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