Meeting The Trickster (David X Reader)

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The Trickster was a force to be reckoned with. He was able to delve into the insane amount of television you binged. Unfortunately, you were not one for watching the brain-melding garbage, so you were unaware of anything you were in. For hours upon hours, Alan and Edgar had been fighting the shows that the three of you had been immersed into, though you had suggested a couple of times to listen to the so-called Trickster and act as if you belonged in the show. To be released, of course, that was the one thing you were meant to do. The brothers, of course, did not want to comply.

There was one show that you had been pushed into that you were to actually face-to-face with the Trickster instead. The lollipop in mouth gave it away, before he snapped his fingers and turned it into a rose, reaching his hand up to the delicate flower and removing it from his mouth. "Madam," he spoke in a slightly gruff, yet seductive voice. Though you hated to admit it, you were swooning inside. His whiskey eyes were so entrancing, and though you had your experience of the bar guys trying to take you home, no one has been particularly charming. 

"What may I call you, darling?" You whispered, blush covered, trying to go along with the romantic show you were currently locked in. You offered your hand, which he brought to his soft lips and kissed, before releasing it and giving a smirk. 

You were playing right into the Trickster's hand, and you were ready to bend and fold as such. The brothers were nowhere in sight, much to your relief, because you knew you would never hear the end of it if they saw you flirting with the monster himself. 

The Trickster leaned in close to your ear, whispering at the very shell of it. "You, sugar, may call me David."

At that moment, realization hit you. This wasn't a typical monster as the boys had initially dragged you with to assist. In front of you, seducing you, was one of the actual vampires. Your heartbeat quickened and you were pretty much speechless.

Unfortunately, he noticed this and frowned a little. "What, sugar, are you intimidated?" He let out a throaty chuckle and took a finger to push away a stray hair from your face before placing it under your chin. "You don't need to fear me - I enjoy seeing the beauty Father created up close."

You knew it had to be a trick from the Trickster himself, but you couldn't help but turn seven shades of red in front of his eyes. A light smile graced your lips, as you finally found the use of your vocal chords once more. You found no need to use the romantic script, since he seemed to have dumped that awhile ago. "Vampire or not, I'm not dumb, you know." You said with protest. "I know you're simply tricking me, David. Are you hurting my brothers while you distract me?"

The blush faded from your face, and you watched as a frown protruded from his soft-looking lips. "They're busy with a cop show while I win you over, sweetness." He said, his seduction dripping back out in every word. With a snap of his fingers, a slow song began playing out from who knows where and he held his hand out to you. "Will you join me, sugar?"

His smirk returned to those lips of his as you graciously accepted. Thankfully, before your father had passed on, he had taught you more than just hunting. Unlike waltzing with your father,  though, you knew not to step on this man's toes without consequence. Together, you danced around what now looked like a ballroom, staring deep into the ice-cold beauties of the vampire.

While you waltzed, you mentally noted his skill, as well as the features that his form possessed. The platinum blonde hair of his was a little messy, but slicked back, and he had a small amount of stubble. Each little line on his face was now ingrained in your brain, and your thoughts began to slip down his soft lips. Unknowing to you, he was taking your features in as well with those eyes of his. Each step was imprinted in his mind, right down to the twirl you had done. When he dipped you downward, his eyes locked yours, and you felt his other hand slip up to behind your head.

You felt his hot breath against your lips and internally were waiting for it all to be a trick - for him to fade away, laughing that he had just tricked a lonely human girl. Instead of your fear, though, you had felt the warm dominance of the vampire's lips pressed against yours. Electricity crackled through your body and though you barely knew David, you kissed back, tasting the sweetness upon his lips. He tasted like candy, and at the moment you felt an insatiable sweet tooth. His tongue easily dominated your own and the disconnection was merely to come up for air. 

"I hope this isn't a trick, David." You whispered, half breathless.

"No trick, sweetness. I've been waiting for you."

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