Sometimes Three Is A Crowd

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"I feel so sorry for you, Y/N." Star muttered, shaking her head in disappointment before giving me a look to further convey that. 

"Oh, shut the hell up." I set my sunglasses on the top of my head. "Can we please get into work mode?"

Star grabbed her equipment from the backseat of my car and strung her Canon around her neck. "Get your life in order, missy. Find a boyfriend - one who knows if he likes the chicken or the cock."

I rolled my eyes. "For the last time, Oprah - I'm perfectly fine with the way things are. I don't need a serious relationship. I'm quite fine being a nympho."

"Uh huh. And fucking your sexually-confused - sorry, bisexual - roommate on the regular is how perfectly fine things are?"

"Star, please. Shut it." I hissed as we entered the pristine office building of Williams Publishing House. "We're here to do one stupid interview and then maybe we can discuss my sex life, okay?"

"Fair enough. I still don't get why we need pictures of his guy." Star muttered, fingering her camera. "It's not like anybody cares what the CEO of a bloody boring publishing house looks like."

I laughed, quietening down when approached the large, kidney-shaped reception desk. 

"Can I help you?" The redhead behind the desk asked.

"We're with the Daily Herald. We're here to interview Mr. Williams. Two o'clock?" I said, as confidently as I possibly could. I was already feeling out of place in my casual denim skirt and cotton blouse.

"Oh, yes," Red said to herself, scanning through Williams's daily planner. "Y/N Y/L/N and Star Jones?"


"Exotic. Go right through, ladies. And please try not to offend him too much?"

I raised a puzzled brow. "Of course."

Star scoffed. "Offend him? Who is he, Donald Trump?"

David Williams was completely naked when we entered his office. 

Completely naked. 

In his birthday suit. 

As bare as the day he was born. 

I heard Star gasp beside me and could picture what was going on in her little head. She was a perv, this best friend of mine. She put me to shame. 

"Take a seat," David ordered, gesturing at the two large black armchairs before his impressive mahogany desk. 

I swallowed, remaining frozen in front of the closed door. "Why.....why are you naked?"

"Why are you clothed?" He countered, still seated.

From what I could see, David Williams was marginally attractive. He had a rugged face and broad chest of a wrestler. Even seated, he looked to be over six feet.

"We're....we're from the paper." Star stuttered, making the brave move to head across the office and sit in front of Mr. Nude-is-Not-Lewd.

"I know."

"You weren't....expecting us?"

"I was."


"It has always been a fantasy to have a threesome in this very office." David said airily, fixing his intense eyes on Star. His voice was slightly accented; I remembered my editor mentioning something about a French mother who was an erotica writer.

"Threesome?" Star spluttered incredulously.

"Mr. Williams, forgive me, but we're here to interview you about one of your editors-in-chief taking money from desperate wannabe writers." I said candidly, remaining frozen to my spot by the door. "We're not here to live out some sick fantasy you've conjured up in your head."

David stood up, which was a big mistake  - because now his hard-on was on exhibition. "Sick fantasy?"

Star looked positively transfixed by what was smack-bam in front of her. And shit, David was hung. I tried to look elsewhere. And failed.

"This could be fun." Star spoke up. 

"What?" I spat.

She twisted in her seat to look at me. "Sex in an office? Come on, Y/N - how often does that happen? Besides, he's hot."

"You're crazy. This is public indecency!"

David smirked at me. "Public? We're in my office. There's nothing more private than this." His eyes went back to Star. "Take that dress off, sweetheart. It looks constricting."

My jaw dropped when she first set her camera on the desk, then began pulling off one strap of her little black dress.

"Star! Have you completely lost your mind?" I exclaimed, rooted to the spot. "We're supposed to be working!"

She glanced over her shoulder. "Live a little, honey." Standing to her feet, she went around David's large desk and tugged her dress over her head in one pull. 

David's arms snaked around her waist. "You are exquisite, my dear." He murmured and crashed his lips against hers. Whatever he was doing with his mouth made Star let out a little mew of pleasure. I was going to be sick.  "All right, this is what we'll do." David said to me after he'd removed his lips from Star. "Get your Dictaphone out and ask me whatever you want." He paused when Star tried to wrap her hand around his thick cock. "I'll answer what I want, okay? This is a very sensitive matter. I just want to clear the name of my publishing house as a whole. Grab that condom, honey."

"I....I can't believe this." I whispered.

Minutes later, David Williams was buried inside my best friend on his desk. 

I couldn't beat them. I couldn't join them. So I grabbed my Dictaphone. By question four, I was getting used to the live porno before my eyes. It didn't exactly faze me. 

"Just to clarify, Mr. Williams, how long had Mr. Saunders been with your company?"

"Maybe...a little....over four years." David replied between thrusts, pumping back into Star ferociously. So ferociously that his desk bopped with the movement. Star was moaning loudly, so he covered her mouth with one large paw, stifling the noise.

I stopped to let them finish, unable to keep my eyes off them. This was surreal.

And the saddest part was that my panties were wet.

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