David X Michael

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Warning: Gory shit and a little sexual content

"Hey, watch it!" I yelled at a guard as he pushes me into a cell. It was more torture-chamber-like, this cell was. Metal bars, in the center of the room was a rug, a toilet with a paper sheet frame for privacy, a cozy little bed and a table with drawings. 

Walking up to the drawings, my eyes traced the outlines of the sketches. I was surprised to see myself posing in them. 

"Well, if it isn't my lovely patient." A voice whispers in my ear as arms encircled my waist. It was very familiar, and didn't take me long to figure out why.

"David?" I questioningly replied whilst turning around in his arms. "David!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"The one and only, beloved." He says before inching his lips onto mine. Smiling into the kiss, I opened my eyes to pull away to gain my focus. 

"David, what did you do for me to get into this mess?" I ask, blank confusion lacing my words and attitude. 

He chuckles lightly, his nose rubbing against mine. 

"Blamed you for the murder of a new kill. You like? At least now I have my hands on you once again, my dear." He replies with a swift kiss to the knuckles. 

Humming a chuckle, both of our bodies rocked side-to-side while a soft opera seemed to play in the distance. "So, my David is still popular and famous after all." Giggling rapidly, I lazily flung my arms around his neck. He chuckles a bit before dipping his head down to my neck. My head leans back, accepting all of his mannerisms. A trail of wed and spit was left on my Adam's Apple and lower chin, his arms holding me securely around his waist for me not to fall.

Giggling as he began kissing, sucking and nibbling on the right side of my neck. "David, that tickles!" He was sucking harshly on a particular spot where it was more meaty, which caused reckless vibrations to spiral down my neck and my spine. 

Whimpering, David's teeth then dug into my skin. My fingers gripped at the small strands of his hair. I could feel the blood rush out of my fresh wound, but his teeth were a blockage of sorts. Pain surged through my body as he then bit down some more, creating a large dent in my neck. No, this isn't really the first time this has happened. You get used to it after awhile. 

"Ow, David. That fucking hurt." I whined as he pulls back. 

"Oh, my dear. Forgive me. But I just couldn't help it. You are simply exquisite that I couldn't resist. I have craved your blood and flesh for too long, my dearest."

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