Sober (Alan X Reader)

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After over two years of being close to Alan, it was getting more and more awkward for you to actually be alone with him. He didn't actually make you nervous in a bad way, but it was growing exceedingly difficult for you to control yourself. Especially now that he'd lost his grace, you had a thought in your mind that would possibly be able to spend the rest of your life with this man, but you couldn't even admit your feelings in the first place. He was relatively shy around you, and you couldn't help but find it adorable.

So adorable, that you couldn't help but want to kiss those soft-looking lips of his. He was so appealing and he would often spill his heart out to you when his brother wasn't around. He felt useless in this form, but no matter if he was a vampire or human, he was perfect to you. You couldn't actually make those words come out of your mouth, and typically would just rub his back in comfort when he talked about those times.

"Al?" You whispered, hearing a being stumbling around a little behind you. Without an actual response, you turned around to check and see if your little hunter was drunk. Of course, he was. You hated that he felt so useless and just wanted to make him feel better. You longed to just see a smile on his face  - a genuine one.

As he continued to stumble, you ran over to him and placed his arm around your shoulder, leading him to the closest comfortable spot that was around. Awkwardly enough, that happened to be your bed. If he needed, he could just sleep on the floor anyhow. You cared about him too much to let him be uncomfortable, after all.

"Hey, Y/N." He slurred out, obviously relatively drunk. He had been on a bit of a bender since he became human, and him being drunk was the last thing to shock you anyhow. Nevertheless, you frowned on his drunken stupor and set him down on your bed, sitting next to him as he laid down. He started murmuring something inaudible, and you leaned in closer to listen. Most of what he was saying was incoherent, but you could make out small things like your own name and a little thank you, as well as things like how you didn't have to, etc.

"Alan, I really wish we could have a sober day." You said softly, now laying down next to him, laying on your stomach so you could face him. He rolled his head so that his piercing brown eyes would meet your own. "Though, admittedly, you probably wouldn't be in here sober." You chuckled at your comment, a little bit of melancholy behind your eyes.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, a little more coherent, but still slurred.

Since he probably wouldn't remember anything anyhow, you felt as if you could speak openly for the night. If it was too awkward, you would sleep on the floor. "I have something to admit to you, and you may not like it, but I'm tired of hiding it from you." You said, trailing off a little at the end. "Vampire or human, Alan, I'm utterly and hopelessly in love with you."

You saw his brown eyes soften a bit as you said it, and you couldn't help but trail a finger down his softly-shaven chin. The stubble tickled your finger and your eyes were fully locked with his brown beauties. They were captivating and as bad as it was, you felt comfortable telling his this evening. 

"Y/N." He said in a serious tone. "Will you tell me again in the morning?" His voice was still slurred, but you could hear the genuinity in his voice. 

"Why would you want to hear that again, Al?" You said with a slight chuckle. You couldn't remove your gaze from his, absolutely entranced. Your heart fluttered as you stared and you could feel his breath on your hand as you traced his chin lightly with your finger.

"Because," he said with a dorky smile. "I'm in love with you, but I want to hear it when I'm in a better mind."

You cuddled up close to him and he wrapped his arm around you. "Stay until the morning and I'll say it as much as you like." You teased. "We both should get some sleep. It's late."

As much as you desired to kiss him, you didn't want to steal your first kiss while he was inebriated. Instead, you fell asleep on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and the breath in his chest. 

With such a peaceful night's sleep, you awoke to a very hungover Alan. Spending the morning nursing him up, you eventually grabbed a kiss from him, giving him a reason to stay sober despite his new human limitations. The upside about his humanity was that passionate love for you, maybe your dream could come true  - one day. 

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