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Y/N stands up and looks at Unalaq as he was enraged from Unalaq.

Y/N: They had nothing to do with your assassination.

Unalaq: Stand down, Y/N. Men arrest them.

Y/N: (draws his daggers) If you touch them I won't hesitate to put you all down.

Tonraq: (grabs Y/N's wrist) It's okay, Y/N.

Y/N: But--

Senna: It's okay.

She grabs his hand and Y/N nods. He puts his daggers away and the soldiers arrest Tonraq and Senna. They were put into the back of the truck and it drove away.

Korra: You're making a mistake.

Unalaq: I wish it hadn't come to this. But your parents held meetings with the rebels. Right here in their home.

Korra: I can't believe you're doing this to your own family.

Unalaq: Rest assured I have pointed judge Hotah to proceed the trial. He's the most fair and honorable man I know.

Korra: Uncle, my parents had nothing to do with the men who attacked you.

Unalaq: I'm sure you're right. So, we should have nothing to worry about.

Korra: I hope so.

Unalaq leaves and Y/N goes the other way. His arm starts to hurt and Korra notices it.

Korra: Y/N, you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine.

Korra: Your arm...

Y/N: I said it's fine. Let's just get to the trial.

Korra: O-Okay.

Y/N and Korra go to the trial together. Once they arrive they see dozens of people already sitting down as Korra, Y/N, and Mako stand on the side together with Unalaq. Tonraq, Senna, and the rebels were all sitting down together waiting for their trial.

Announcer: This trial will now come to order! Judge Hotah.

Unalaq walks ahead and explains his side of the story about the rebels that had attacked him.  Unalaq finishes his testimony and Korra walks up as she was the next to speak. Bolin tried to interfere as much as he could but was instantly shut down by Judge Hotah. Korra answered his questions that he had asked. Judge Hotah leaves to make his decision on the rebels, Tonraq, and Senna. Y/N and Mako go sit down with Asami as Bolin went somewhere. Judge Hotah walked back in the matter of seconds as he was finished making his decision.

Hotah: Senna, please step forward. (she steps forward) I have found you innocent. You're free to go.

The guard releases Senna from her handcuffs and she quickly runs to Korra as they both hug.

Hotah: On the charge to treason. You're all found... guilty. The punishment for this crime... is death.

Everybody was shocked as Mako and Asami stood up. Y/N was angered and Asami noticed it. Y/N clenched his fist. Asami grabbed his hand but Y/N didn't notice it.

Korra: You can't do this! You take their lives and I'll take yours!

Unalaq: Korra, calm down. I'll talk to him. (Unalaq walks up to Hotah) I know I promised I respected what ever decision you made. But I must ask you to reconsider. Show these men and my brother mercy.

Hotah: Very well. I'll change their punishment. Your lives will be spared. But you will live them out in prison.

Y/N calms down and he looks at his hand to see he had made a fist but Asami was holding onto it. Y/N looks at Asami.

Korra & Asami X Male Assassin Reader Where stories live. Discover now