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Y/N and Naga stop at a town in the desert. As Naga sniffs the ground.

Y/N: Nice tracking, girl.

Y/N gives Naga her favorite treat. Y/N hops off and he goes into the diner. Y/N sees all the men looking at him as he looked to his right to see a wanted poster. Y/N looks back to see the men grabbing their weapons.

Y/N: Have you seen an old man, balding, and piercing from his nose to his ear?

Someone throws a knife at Y/N but catches with his fingers.

Y/N: I'll take that as a no.

Y/N walks back out as he throws the knife through the curtain and it stucks the man onto the wall. Y/N and Naga continue on their trail to chase after Aiwei. Naga continues to sniff as they were close to the next town ahead. Naga stops and she sniffs at a rock. Y/N transforms his right arm and punches the rock as it breaks into pieces as there was a jeep. Naga rubs her head on Y/N's back.

Y/N: (smiles) Good girl. (gives Naga her treat) Okay, Naga. I want you to go back to Korra. Got it? (Naga licks Y/N) Okay, go.

Naga runs off and Y/N puts on his mask and hood. Y/N searches the car first as he found a note.

Y/N: "Xau Bau's Grove, sundown."

Y/N pulls out the map and he looks for Xau Bau's Grove but he didn't see it on the map. Suddenly three spirits flew in front of Y/N. And he understood the message.

Y/N: Xau Bau's Grove is in the Spirit World. I have to wait until sundown. Thank you, spirits.

The spirits then flew away. Y/N walks to the the town as he saw many spirits in the town. Y/N saw many people minding their business as he saw the spirits and everyone else living together.

Y/N's (thoughts): Huh. At least they get along better than Republic City.

Y/N walks in the town as he looked at the alleyway and he saw Aiwei eating noodles. Y/N follows Aiwei to an inn as Y/N walks up to the desk lady.

Y/N: I'd like to rent a room on the ground level across from 102.

Desk Lady: 12 copper pieces.

Y/N hands her 12 copper pieces and he takes the key to his room. Y/N goes to his room and he walks inside. Y/N slightly opens the curtain and he sees Aiwei looking through the window to make sure he wasn't followed. Korra and the others were still on the trail until they saw Naga in front of them. Asami stops the car.

Korra: Naga! (Naga runs at Korra and she licks her face) Where's Y/N?

Naga then leads the way as Korra hops on top of her. Korra and Asami follow Naga to find Y/N and Aiwei.

{Time Skip}

Sundown arrive and Y/N walked out of his room. Y/N goes through the window and he sees Aiwei meditating. Y/N takes out a needle and he puts it on the back of Aiwei's neck to make him not move for the whole night if he wakes up.

Y/N sits on the bed and he sits in front of Aiwei. Y/N closes his eyes and he breathes in and out slowly. Y/N then opens his eyes as he was in the spirit world. Y/N peeks his head out to see Aiwei on the other side of him. Y/N quietly climbs on the tree and Zaheer appears.

Zaheer: What happened back in Zaofu? You told me we wouldn't have any problems getting the Avatar. Because of you, we've all been compromised.

Aiwei: No, any evidence was destroyed when my library burned.

Zaheer: Where is your physical body now?

Korra & Asami X Male Assassin Reader Where stories live. Discover now