Kuvira's Betrayal

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A week has passed after they alerted everybody in Republic City to evacuate. General Iroh's army arrived to Republic City. Y/N's arm was fully healed. Y/N, Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin were going to discuss something important.

Y/N: So, what did you need to talk about?

Korra: I'm planning to take out the weapon before it reaches Republic City.

Mako: That's the best action to take.

Y/N: All right, I'm with you.

Asami: Count me in.

Bolin: Me too.

Korra: Okay, let's go tell Tenzin and the President.

Y/N, Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin head to the attic to meet with Tenzin, Lin, and President Raiko.

Korra: There's something we need to discuss with you.

Tenzin: What is it?

Korra: The five of us have been talking and... we want to take out Kuvira's spirit weapon before it gets to close to the city.

Tenzin: That sounds like a risk we don't need to take. The evacuation is on schedule and General Iroh is getting his army in place.

Korra: I know Iroh can go toe to toe with Kuvira's army, but that weapon-

Bolin: It's too powerful! It can destroy the city!

Mako: We can't let it get to our doorstep.

Korra: We'll sneak behind enemy lines and disable the weapon.

Asami: If it works, it'll even the playing field.

Tenzin: But if you get caught-

Y/N: It's worth the risk.

President Raiko: I agree, and it might be our only shot at preventing an all out war. Good luck.

Korra: We'll head out right now.

Y/N, Korra, Asami, Mako, and Bolin walk out. They got on a bison and they fly away. Y/N and the others would keep looking out to see if they could find Kuvira's army. They continued to search but found nothing.

{3 Hours Later}

As they kept going, Y/N had a bad feeing about Kuvira's weapon. Bolin looks at his telescope and he sees something on the ground.

Bolin: *gasps* Guys, I see something. Down there!

Asami: Is that?

Korra: Kuvira. She's already crossed into United Republic territory. She's a week early.

Mako: This doesn't make sense. There aren't any train tracks this way. How are they transporting that super weapon of theirs?

They suddenly heard loud stomping. As a giant mech-suit comes out of the mountains.

Y/N: I knew something wasn't right.

Mako: Did you know Kuvira was building that thing?

Bolin: Oh, did I forget to mention it? No! Of course I didn't know!

Asami: Uh, guys... it's pointing right at us!

Y/N: We need to go now!

The bison quickly flies as the beam nearly misses them but the bison loses control. It flies down to regain itself as it flies behind the mountain. Then the beam shoots at the mountain where Y/N and the others flew behind to escape. They fly back to the air temple as they saw everybody waiting for them.

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