Epilogue: Back In Action

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Eight years have passed. Y/N, Korra, and Asami were thirty-four-years-old. Mei and Jin were twelve years old. Mei and Jin were at the Air Temple with Bumi. Bumi was telling them stories about their adventures with Y/N, Korra, and Asami. Mei and Jin didn't believe the story about Y/N since he became more lazy after having kids.

Jin: Our dad isn't that strong.

Mei: Yeah. All he does is just lay on the couch and watch TV.

Bumi: He must be feeling old after having you two.

Mei: But our dad being called the Hero of Republic City? I don't believe it.

Jin: Yep.

Bumi: Don't be so hard on your, old man.

Korra: Don't be hard on him how?

Mei & Jin: Mom! (they hug Korra)

Asami: Hey, where's my hug? (they hug Asami) What were you guys talking about?

Jin: Grandpa Bumi, was telling us stories about your guys's adventures when you guys were younger.

Korra: Oh, did you guys like it?

Mei: Yeah. It sounded so cool and fun.

Bumi: They don't believe me about how strong Y/N is.

Korra: Yeah, I can see that considering how he's been lately.

Asami: I'm surprised he hasn't put on any weight.

Korra: He probably secretly trains with no one looking. 

Asami: Well, let's go home.

Mei & Jin: Okay.

Korra, Asami, Mei, and Jin went back home. As they were going home Mei and Jin saw statue of Y/N in the city. They arrive back home as Mei and Jin run inside.

Asami: Honey! We're back! (Y/N didn't answer back)

Korra: Honey?

Korra and Asami head to Y/N's office to see him meditating. Mei and Jin also see Y/N meditating but it was their first time seeing it.

Mei: What is dad, doing?

Korra: He's having a meeting with the dragons.

Jin: Uh, what dragons? I don't see any.

Korra: I'm gonna check what's going on.

Asami: Okay.

Korra walks into Y/N's office and she sits in front of Y/N. Korra closes her eyes. Korra then opens them to see Y/N talking to the dragons. Y/N sensed her presence and he turns around and looks at Korra.

Y/N: Oh, hey, honey.

Korra: Hey.

Green Dragon: Hello, Avatar Korra.

Blue Dragon: It is an honor to have you here.

Korra: It's nice to see you two again. So, what's going on? You usually don't have a meeting with them unless something happened.

Y/N: Well, apparently the secret organization that tried to kidnap when I was a child is trying to kidnap me again.

Korra: What are you talking about?

Y/N: I'll explain later. Let's go.

Green Dragon: We'll see you again.

Y/N: Yeah.

Y/N and Korra wake up to the real world. They look to see Mei and Jin staring at them.

Y/N: What are you two doing?

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