Suyin Beifong

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After Y/N finished telling the story. Korra was playing fetch with Naga. Y/N was meditating next to the river as he was still banadaged up. Y/N slowly breathes in and out. He opens his eyes as he looks at his necklace.

Korra: Y/N! We're leaving!

Y/N: Okay!

Y/N gets up and he wears his necklace. They get back inside the airship and they take off. Asami flies the airship to Zaofu. As they were flying they saw the city as it was made out of metal and Y/N was impressed.

Bolin: Wow, an entire city made of metal! You should be right at home, Beifong!

Lin: Hmm...

Asami lands the ship as the metal benders provided support. Y/N and the others were about to walk out but noticed Lin didn't get up.

Asami: Aren't you coming?

Lin: What's there to see? It's metal, big whoop. Just find the airbender and let's get moving. You don't tell anyone I'm here.

Korra: Why not?

Lin: I don't need to explain myself to you. Just do what I say.

Korra: Fine. You got it chief cranky pants.

They then walk out to see a man waiting for them outside.

Aiwei: Avatar Korra, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei.

Korra: Thanks for having us.

Aiwei: Is this everyone?

Korra: Yep. Just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?

Aiwei: Of course. Right this way.

Y/N and the others enter inside as the metalbenders closed the gate. They then made the elevator go down and Aiwei would guide them. Asami and Korra grabbed onto Y/N's arms and they enter inside the train as they would see how lively the city was.

Aiwei: That statue right there. Honors the first metalbender, Toph Beifong. Who expanded the possiblities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his or her highest potential.

Bolin: Does Toph live here? Are we gonna get to meet her?

Aiwei: I'm afraid not. She used to visit from time to time. But years ago she left to wander the world, in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since.

Y/N's (thoughts): Toph Beifong, huh...

Y/N suddenly had a vision. Y/N wasn't able to see but he saw a white figure standing in front of him. Y/N could hear the girl laugh and she took his hand and they ran laughing. Y/N shakes his head as the vision stopped.

Korra: Y/N? What's wrong?

Y/N: Oh, it's nothing. Just a headache.

Korra: You okay? You shouldn't really be moving. (Y/N puts his hand on Korra's head)

Y/N: I'm fine.

Korra: Okay... (the train stops and they follow Aiwei) Wow, is this where the airbender lives?

Aiwei: Yes. But first, her mother wants to meet you.

Aiwei takes Y/N and the others to meet the airbender's mother. They then saw multiple metalbenders doing something which looked a lot of fun.

Korra: Training?

Aiwei: Not exactly. They are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month.

Y/N continues to watch as they finished the performance. Asami notices Y/N looking at the two girls and she pinches his cheek.

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