The Fall of Ba Sing Se

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Y/N, Mako, and Bolin were prisoners. P'Li kept making quick glances at Y/N. She felt the same pain as Y/N after she saw what happened to him in her vision.

Zaheer: What's wrong?

P'Li: It's nothing.

Mako: If you think holding us hostage will give you some leverage to use against the Avatar, you're gonna be very disappointed.

Ming-Hua: Can't we just enjoy our time together in silence?

Mako: And why did you need Korra alive back in Zaofu? You had her paralyzed. Why didn't you just take her out when you had the chance?

Ghazan: Look, all you need to know is that the world is about to change, for the better.

Bolin: So, you guys were like locked up for 15 years, huh? That must have been, like, crazy boring.

Ghazan: Actually, it was only 13 years, but it felt like 30.

Bolin: I mean, what did you do with all that time? Did you sing songs, work on crafts?

Ming-Hua: Not a lot of craft supplies in a volcanic prison cell.

Ghazan: And I must have renamed the constellations about a thousand times. When it rained, that was a big event.

Ming-Hua: Oh, I would've killed for some rain. Mostly I just made up stories about the guards. Who was having trouble with his girlfriend. Which one secretly wished he'd become a pastry chef.

Bolin: Ooh, okay. That sounds like fun. Let me try that on you guys. You were raised by an older sister. Your mustache grew in when you were ten. And I'm sensing... just sensing an unspoken attraction between you two.

Ghazan: (smiles) Two out of three. Not bad.

Mako: Bolin, will you stop making friends with the bad guys?

Bolin: Sorry.

Zaheer: Ghazan, gag those two. We're almost there.

Ghazan: What about the, Assassin?

Zaheer: Gag him too. We're bringing him with us.

Ghazan gags Y/N, Mako, and Bolin. Ghazan puts Y/N's mask and hood up to cover his face so he doesn't get taken away. Zaheer drives all the way to the palace. Ghazan held onto Y/N and Zaheer carries the other two. P'Li looks at Y/N's eyes too see they were filled with sadness while he looked back at her and the other three.

Gun: Excuse me, but what business do you have here?

Zaheer: We have two of the Avatar's friends but we like to turn them to the Queen personally.

Gun: The Earth Queen doesn't talk to bounty hunters.

Zaheer: Tell her we have important information about where the airbenders are hiding only if we see her personally.

Gun: O-Okay.

Gun runs to the throne room as the others stood outside of the giant doors.

Earth Queen: When is the Avatar scheduled for delivery?

Gun: The airship already left Fort Bosco and should be arriving in a few hours.

Earth Queen: Excellent. Bring her to me as soon as it lands.

Gun: Yes, your Majesty. But first there are some people here who captured two of the Avatar's friends. They would like to present them to you personally.

Earth Queen: You know I don't meet with bounty hunters.

Gun: And of course I told them that, but they say they have some information that might interest you about the location of your stolen airbenders.

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