The Hunt For New Airbenders

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Y/N was at his village since it was the anniversary his clan was wiped out. Y/N walked as he looked at every building to see it still all broken down. Y/N would arrive to his old home to see it still intact.

Y/N: *sighs* It's so quiet...

Y/N opens the door to his old home and he walks inside. He starts to remember everything of his childhood as he lets out a little smile. Y/N walks to the main room as he sees the picture of his grandmaster.

Y/N: Hello, grandmaster... I came to visit. I sometimes wish you were all still here even after I defeated Amon... the Equalists... and Unalaq and Vaatu. I just want you to know that I hope I made you proud... I also have two girlfriends now crazy right? Dating two girls at the same time it probably isn't good but I'll make it work somehow... I just wish you got to meet the people I'm with now... they're really nice. They remind me so much of home. I will never forget you and the things you taught me. But I still need your guidance in this life... I need to go now. When my time comes I'll come make some more memories with you grandmaster...

Y/N gets up and he sees a necklace on the floor. Y/N picks it up and wears it. Y/N walks out the door and makes his wings appear and he flies up into the air and he flies back to Republic City.


Korra was standing at the bridge with Lin and Bolin as she agreed to help control the vines from growing and going out of control.

Korra: I hope this works.

Korra turns around to news reporters and the President behind her.

Korra: What are you guys doing here?

President Raiko: I was alerted that you had a new plan to wipe out these nauxcious weeds. So, I thought you wanted everyone to be here to watch.

News Reporter 1: Avatar Korra. Do you really think-

Korra: No questions! Just stand there. Silently!

She turns around and she uses her water bending to wrap around the vines that covered the whole building. She then sends the vines to the light as it shrunk down into the water.

Korra: Go in peace.

News Reporter 2: How did you know what to do?

News Reporter 3: Will you send the spirits away now?

News Reporter 4: How soon can we expect the water service to resume.

But suddenly the ground shook and the vines came out of the water wrapping around the building again. As the vine went towards the other building where many people were living in. The building started to tilt and everybody ran. Lin and Bolin created to large pillars with their earthbending as Korra busted the door open with her airbending to see many civilians at the stairs.

Korra: Let's go people hurry!

The people all ran out as Korra flew into the air and she grabs a kid that was standing out on the window. Korra looks up to see a piece of the building fall right towards her. She quickly flies down with the child in hand. As Korra lands she turns around as she was going to use her earthbending until Y/N swooped in and stopped the broken piece from hitting the ground. Y/N gently sets it down and he makes his claws disappear.

Korra: Y/N! You're back!

Y/N: Yeah. Looks like I got here just in time t-

Y/N was cut off by Korra's lips. Korra then pulls away while she was smiling and happy to see him.

Korra: Thank you.

Y/N looked at her face as he was able to tell how frustrated she was because of the President.

Korra & Asami X Male Assassin Reader Where stories live. Discover now