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                           When you were 14

El- There is something I need to tell you.
Quinton- Me too
El- You first
Quinton- Ok. El I'm in love with you.
El- I was going to say the same thing.
Quinton- The only problem is that your moving to LA tomorrow.
El- I know.

I start to cry. I finally confessed my feelings for Quinton and just like that I'm being ripped away from him.

Quinton- Hey don't cry it will be ok.
El- I finally got you and just like that your being ripped away from me again.
Quinton- I promise I will find you again and when I do we will be together forever I promise it will all fall into place When I see you Again.

                               •3 years later•

A/N (Your now living with the sway boys and your brother and sister)
                                    Els POV

I was sound asleep in my bed. The previous night the boys and I were up making Tik Toks and filming a YouTube video. I was so tired the minute I got into bed I fell asleep. All of a sudden someone comes barging in my room jumping on me.

El- What the heck I'm sleeping
Tayler- Get up sleepy head.

I reached over and grabbed one of my pillows and hit Tayler hard in the face with it. I was not in the mood to get up I was still tired. Next thing I know Tayler picked me up and was dragging me out of my room.

Tayler- You could have avoided this if you had just got up when I told you too.

He sat me down on a stool in the kitchen and I just sat there starring off into space. I was still tired and wanted to go back to bed. I decided I was going to try to sneak back up stairs. I quickly jumped off the stool and started running up the stairs. Jaden came out of his room and Tayler shouted at Jaden to grab me but it was too late. I was in my room I quickly shut the door and locked it and jumped in my bed and fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up to a buzzing noise. I looked over and saw my phone was ringing.

Incoming call from

I answered the phone.

El- Hello?
Josh- Hey come downstairs we are about to go to the mall.
El- Ok I'll be down there in a sec.

You hang up the phone and go over to you closet and throw the first thing you see on.

You hang up the phone and go over to you closet and throw the first thing you see on

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I go over to my bathroom and quickly do my hair and makeup. I grab my phone and put on my watch and grab your backpack and head downstairs.

El- Good Morning!!!!!!
Jaden- El it's 1:00 in the afternoon....
Tayler- I tried getting her up early but she escaped and went back to bed.
El- Sorry I was tired from last night.
Josh- Ok guys let's go.
El- Ok. Wait where is Kio?
Griffin- Upstairs in his room he didn't want to come.
El- Oh ok.

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