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After going in a bunch of rides we went to a concession stand and got hot dogs for dinner. We went over to the place where the fireworks are best view is. Cause we don't want to bad seats. We want to be able to see the fireworks very well. We stood there waiting for the fireworks to start. We ate our hotdogs and my feet started hurting from all of the standing. I started getting antsy. I guess Bryce saw because he lifted me up to his back. I hugged him and then the fireworks started. We cheered and Bryce started running around our area like a mad man. I laughed and yelled at him to stop and go back to the group. We got back to the group just as the parade started. They were all Disney characters and some of them sang songs. After about 20 minutes the group decided they wanted ice cream. I got back on Bryce's back and we walked to the ice cream stand. We ordered  all of our ice cream. The girl looked at us like we were crazy.

Lady- Um won't that just make you more fatter than you already are!
Bryce- What the heck!
El- These aren't all for me. My friends are over there.
Lady- Mhm sure.
El- You know what! Screw off ok! You don't know me and if anything. You should think about loosing a few pounds Of your attitude because I will get you fired.

I turned around and walked away. Bryce came running after me laughing. I started laughing too as we walked back to the group. I wasn't going to let some snobby girl ruin my night. We got back and everybody came running to us. I guess we were gone longer than I thought. I handed them their ice cream and ate my own. I laid down on a blanket we had in our area and stared up at the fireworks. And ate my ice cream. Everybody's trash was laying around. The Ariel float came and I grabbed all of the trash. And went to the trash and. I was kind of bored so I went over to the group but all of them were gone except Nessa.

El- Hey!
Nessa- Hey!
El- Where did everybody go?
Nessa- They went to the lanterns. They got bored.
El- Oh ok! That seems like the boys.
Nessa- Yeah. Wanna go on a ride?
El- Yeah!

We grabbed our stuff and walked to a nearby roller coaster. We got into the fast pass line and it wasn't super long. We waited about 5 minutes and got on the ride. We put of seatbelts on and the ride started. Nessa and I were laughing when the ride suddenly stopped. Nessa and I gave each other a weird look. The intercom on the ride said that they were stopping the ride so we could get a better view of the fireworks. We smiled at each other and made a TikTok. About 20 minutes later Nessa got a text. The ride started back up and we got off.

El- So where are we going now?
Nessa- Close your eyes.
El- I'm scared. Are you going to feed me to the animals in animal kingdom.
Nessa- No silly! Ok maybe....
El- Nessa!!!

We both giggled and she lead me to where we were going. At first I was scared she was going murder me.

El- I'm begging you please don't run me into anything. Or anyone!!!
Nessa- Can't promise anything
El- Nessa!!!!
Nessa- Ok Ok Ok I won't.
El- Thank you.

We kept walking for what felt like an eternity. Finally we stopped and I opened my eyes. I saw the Ferris wheel and gasped. Everybody was already standing in line. We got in the line with them. I stood there zoning out. I started to shiver. Bryce pulled me into his arms and hugged me keeping me warm. We had a long ways to go in the line. I say a funnel cake stand. I got out of line and ran over. I ordered a funnel cake for myself and walked back to the line. Everybody gave me a relieved look. I got back in line and went over to Nessa. I grabbed a piece of my funnel cake and before I could eat it Bryce grabbed it and ate in. Everybody started eating my funnel cake. I got super sad because I didn't get any of it.

Bryce- Oops.
T/B- Sorry.

I threw my plate at Bryce and powdered sugar got all over him. I gave him an evil grin. Everybody started laughing and he got mad and yelled at us to stop. We did what he asked and he started saying he was sorry and that he would buy me a funnel cake later. I nodded and started talking with Nessa. The line started moving and we eventually got to the front. We waited for the round to go by. It took forever. I love Ferris wheels but they take forever to go around. I snuggled with Tayler as we waited for the Ferris to finish making its rounds. All of the people got off and we were next. There was an odd amount of us so we couldn't all ride together. I had to ride with some random guy. I put my sunglasses on because the lights get bright. I walked into the area where we sit and sat on the opposite side as the man. He looked very familiar but I couldn't see his whole face. His hair was black but then bleached and he had sunglasses on. He had cute perfect freckles on his face. He almost reminded me of Quinton. But that's just my imagination. I have been seeing him places all throughout the time here. I see him than when I blink he is gone. It's like he Vanished.

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