Hype house

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I get up to the front door and ring the door bell. Nobody is there so I use the spare key to get in. I get inside and see nobody is there. I feel kind of weird and feel like something is off. I go upstairs and check all of the rooms but nobody is in there. I go to the kitchen and nobody is there as well. I head out the back door and see everybody by the pool. I gave a sigh of relief. Avani sees me and waves at me.

El- Hey guys!
The Hype Members- Oh hey El!

I go over and sit next to Charli, Avani, Mia, and Kouvr.

Charli- Hey girl how are you!
El- I'm good I've been sleeping in a lot so that's good.
Charli- Yesss us girls need our beauty sleep.
Mia- Definitely.
Kouvr- Yep.
Avani- We were about to swim. Do you wanna join?
El- I would but I don't have a swim suit with me.
Charli- Oh no problem you can use one of mine come on!

Charli and I go up to her room and I go to her closet and find a cute black two piece and I go into her bathroom and change into it. I walk out and go over to Charli. We go back to the pool. When I get out there I  see all of the boys jaws drop open. Charli and I look at each other and burst out laughing.

El- Take a picture it will last longer.
Tony- I might just have too
Kouvr- Jeez El it took me 2 months to get Alex to fall in love with me and it took you 1 night to get all of them to fall in love with you!!!

We all laugh and jump in the pool. I swim over to where Nick is and scare him while he is making a TikTok. I sit there and laugh while Nick yells at me for ruining his TikTok. He went on and on about he makes good money off of this and can't afford to loose any. I rolled my eyes and teased him about it.

Nick- You ruined my TikTok!!!!!
El- I'm sorry.....
Nick- Your mean.
El- I'm not mean.

Nick and I continue to banter back and forth when I finally apologize. He says it's ok and I hug him. I swam around for a while having races with everybody. I was doing a race with Ryland when I got pulled down by someone causing me to loose. I got upset and started yelling for whoever did that to come clean. Everybody just sat there and stared at me. I rolled my eyes and got out of the pool. Everybody got thirsty so we all got some drinks and I start to get a little tipsy. I hear Ryland talking on a live. I swim over to him and interrupt his live.

El- Heyyyyyy Guysssss
Ryland- Oh yeah guys El is here and she is drunk...
El- I'm not drunk I'm tipsy.
Ryland- Same thing.
El- Actually it's not. When your drunk you do t know what's going on at the moment and you can't think straight. When your tipsy you are aware of what's going on around you and you can think clearly but your still a little drunk.
Ryland- yeah yeah whatever.

I go over to the girls and I decide to do a TikTok. At this point i'm drunk. We were all talking about which TikTok to do because we all wanted to do different ones. After a while of going back and forth we decide to do the savage dance and when I was about to throw it back chase walks in front of all of us. We all yell at chase and he laughs. We all get really tired so we decide to call it a night.

Ryland- El are you gonna hang for a little?
El- I should probably get home.
Avani- You can't go home your drunk.
Charli- Yeah you can just stay the night in my room with me.
El- Yeah. Ok I guess it's for the best. But if my brother yells at me I'm blaming you guys.
Nick- But your the one who got drunk.
El- Yeah but-
Chase- No buts.
El- Fineeee

Charli and I go up to her room and I get changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. We decide to watch a little bit of vampire diaries. Charli and I were arguing about wether Damon or Stephen is cuter when Nick and Ryland walk in. They ask if they can watch with us. Charli and I say yes.

El- Damon is so much hotter than Stephan.
Ryland- No way Stephen is way hotter.
Nick- Ryland are you blind! Damon is hotter
Charli- Ryland and I know what's up.
Ryland- Indeed we do shawty.

We all argue for a while when we hear Chase yell shut up. We all yell at him to shut up and he storms into the room.

El- Om Sorry chase are we keeping you from your slumber.

We all laugh and continue watching the show. Chase leaves the room and I eventually fall asleep next to Charli on the floor because the boys took over her bed. Leave it to the boys to take over everything. They even promised that they would let us have the bed but noooo they pushed us into the floor last minute and said they were sleeping in the bed. Charli and I fought them on it but they swore they never said anything about letting us have the bed. Charli even argues that it was her room and she cooks make them leave any time. They just said to try and see what happens. We gave up trying to get them to give us the bed and just agreed to go on the floor.


Ok but really Damon is better than Stephan....
Anyways stay safe guys thanks for reading


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