Just a dream

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Quinton just proposed to me and I was so happy. We all hung out at the beach and talked. Quinton and I decided we wouldn't get married for a while because we are too young. We were surfing and it was the most fun time I have had in a while. Tony and I made a bunch of TikToks. The girls and I went to the shops that were by the beach. There was a nail salon so we went there. When we got back The boys were playing volleyball. We decided to join them. Boys against girls. After a while of laughing and playing the game the girls finally won. I was hugging Charli when all of a sudden someone picked me up. I looked behind me and saw Quinton.

Quinton- Are you sure you want me to do that.
El- Yes!!!

He put me down and I went crashing into the water. I decided to trick him so I held my breath and hooked my feet in a rock so I wouldn't float up. Give him a taste of his own medicine. I swear I'm not a mean person. I saw Quinton dive into the water and he grabbed me. When we got up for air I started laughing my butt off. He glared at me and I stopped laughing.

Quinton- El! That's not funny I thought you drowned.
El- I'm sorry bubs. It was funny. I love you.
Quinton- I love you too.

We kissed and it felt so magical.(cheesy🧀) Even though we have kissed many times before. Maybe this was a sign that everything would be ok. That Quinton and I would make it till we die. I know that we will. This time felt so much more magical than all of the others. All of a sudden I heard a loud beeping noise. I opened my eyes and saw I was in a hospital. I saw Tayler and Mads in the room.

El- Tayler?
Mads- El!!!!
El- What happened where is Quinton?
Tayler-what do you mean where is Quinton?
Mads- You haven't seen Quinton is 3 years sis. You got it a bad accident driving home to sway. You have been in a coma for 6 months.
El- WHAT! That's not possible Quinton and I got reunited and I almost got kidnapped and Nick betrayed me but than we became friends again. Then Quinton proposed to me! YOU TELLING ME NONE OF THAT HAPPENED?!
Mads- I'm so sorry El..

I saw Quinton's sweatshirt he gave me before I left and I grabbed it. I buried my face into it and started bawling my eyes out. Tayler and Mads both came over to me and hugged me.

El- I...I...It f...felt s...so r...real!
Tayler- I know it did I'm sorry sis.
Mads- Shhhhh It's ok. We know you will find him eventually
El- How do you know he probably forgot about me!
Tayler- He would never forget about you just like you haven't forgotten about him.
Mads- He loves you El. So much.
El- I love him too.

After a while of crying in Taylers arms I decided to get a grip and stop crying. I got hungry so I asked Tayler to get me Canes. He ordered it to the hospital and went to go grab it. He came back and sat on my bed. Mads and I were making fun of Tayler's old TikToks. Tayler came in and we started bursting out laughing.

Tayler- What are you laughing at????
Mads- He looks the same just more built.

Mads and I started reenacting this one TikTok that was so funny. All of a sudden Taylers eyes went wide and he ran over to my bed and tried to grab my phone. Mads quickly grabbed it from me and hid it under the sheets. We both started laughing as Tayler begged us to stop looking at it. Eventually the doctor came in and saw I was awake. She ran over to me and pushed Tayler and Mads out. She was checking my eyes when I got a text. I looked at my phone and started laughing.


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                                                   El- Tayler stop the nurse                                                                                           is gonna yell at me for laughing

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                                                   El- Tayler stop the nurse                                                   
                                       is gonna yell at me for laughing

Tayler- Oops sorry 😐

The nurse scolded me for laughing because she almost messed up the check up. I said sorry and she left. Tayler came in and I rolled my eyes.

El- The nurse was such a Karen.
Tayler- I could see her yelling at you.
Mads-He was laughing.

All of the sudden my phone started to ring. I picked it up and saw that it was an unknown number. I was hesitant to answer it. I decided to answer it anyways.


El- Hello?
Payton- Hey El it Payton!
El- Omg Hi!!!! 
Payton- Your awake!!!
El- Yeah I am.
Payton- Well I'm in Florida to record a song and I kinda wanted to do a Song together.
El- I would love to! When should I fly out?
Payton- As soon as possible.
El- Ok! I'll let you know when I'm getting in the plane!
Payton- Ok luv ya!
El- Luv ya too bye!

I checked the time and it was pretty late. I told Mads and Tayler about going to Florida and they said it was ok. I was watching stranger things with Tayler and Mads. We were playing card against humanity while watching it. After a while I got bored so I decided to do a TikTok. I didn't post it because Tayler wanted to surprise everybody. After a while I fell asleep in Taylers arms.


Here ya go guys. Told you major plot twist. 😈 Anyways hope y'all are staying safe. I'm might not be posting as often because I'm working on another book. Go give it a read. It's called Bestfriend ❤️

Luv ya


- XxNotPeytonxX

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