Flour Fight

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I woke up the next morning feeling sad. I went into my bathroom to take a shower. I took my clothes off then got into the shower. I sat under the water to relax my muscles. I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my bedroom. I saw Quinton was still asleep so I just walked into my closet leaving the door open. I grabbed Quinton's hoodie and a pair of shorts and a sports bra and threw them on. I went back into my bathroom and put my hair into French braids. I decided I needed to cool off some steam so I went to our garage to work out. I put some music on and took off the hoodie and started to work out. I was doing pull ups I was going fast to get the steam cooled. I was still upset and sad. I got done and was going over to the treadmill when I ran into someone. I looked up and it was Tayler.

El- Hey Tay- Tay.
Tayler- El it's 5:00 in the morning what are you doing up!
El- Woking out duh.
Tayler- At 5:00 in the morning!
El- Yes Tayler at 5:00 in the morning! I needed to cool of some steam ok! Now can you go so I can finish my workout.
Tayler- El I-
El- Tayler just go back to bed.
Tayler- Fine.

He walked away and I went onto the treadmill. I was running on it for about 20 minutes. I stopped and went over to the punching bag. I started lunching the  bag pinching harder with every hit. I started going faster and harder until I fell down crying. It was so unfair. I hated how this had to happen to Nick. I continued to cry. I heard the door that lead from the garage into the house open. I didn't care who it was I just kept crying. The person came closer and wrapped their arms around me. I knew right away it was Quinton I just buried my face into his shoulder and cried.

                                 The next day
I got up out of bed and got dressed. I did my makeup and my hair and went downstairs. It smelt amazing. I saw all of the boys Nessa and Mads in the living room.

Nessa- Good morning Bebe!
Tayler- Mornin Sis!
Mads- Hey!
Quinton- Morning baby.
El- morning guys morning bubs. Do any of you know how Nick is doing?
Anthony- No. We aren't allowed to see him anymore.
El- Oh.

I went over and sat on Quinton's lap. I kept smelling things and it smelt so good. I got up and went into the kitchen and saw Bryce cooking.

El- Hey Bryce!
Bryce- Hey El!
El- Whacha makin?
Bryce- Pancakes, waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon, muffins, and fruit.
El- Mmmm yummy! Can I help?
Bryce- Yeah um can you start the muffins?
El- Yeah!!!

I went over and got out the ingredients for muffins. I started mixing the stuff together in the bowl. Bryce told me to look at him so I did. He flung flower at me.

Bryce- uh maybe.
El- Payback is coming. I went back to making the muffins and he went back to cooking the rest of the food. I put my muffins in a pan and went to put them in the oven. I slid them into the oven and started the timer. I walked over to where the flour bags were. I picked one up and looked at Bryce. He turned around and his eyes grew wide. I grabbed a handful of flower and threw it at him. He grabbed the other bag and threw some flour at me. Before he could run I threw some at him. I quickly ran out of the kitchen with the flour in my hand. Bryce and I were throwing flour at each other. I ran into the living room with Bryce following behind me. I quickly threw flour at him and he threw some back. I screamed and laughed. Bryce and I decided to just pour the flour all over each other.

Griffin- Guys your getting flour everywhere!
Bryce- Sucks
El- I don't care.
Quinton- just let them.
Jaden- Ingot flour on me.
El- Hey Bryce last one into the pool has to clean everything up.

I bolted towards the door and out the back door and into the pool. Bryce jumped in shortly after me. I laughed and he started laughing too. We looked ridiculous.

El- Bryce I won! That means you have to clean up.
Bryce- Ugh fine.
El- I'm going to take a shower.
Bryce- And I have to finish breakfast.

We both got out of the pool. I went upstairs and got into the shower. I washed my hair supper good because of the flour. I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I went into my closet and found a cute outfit

I put on the dress and some Air Force 1's I went into my bathroom and put my hair into Dutch braided

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I put on the dress and some Air Force 1's I went into my bathroom and put my hair into Dutch braided. I pulled out my makeup bag and did my makeup. I grabbed my phone tiff the charger and went downstairs. Everybody was sitting at the table. I went over and sat next to Quinton. We all dig in and ate. Everybody loved the muffins. I guess I'm a better baker than cook. I grabbed my plate and got up I washed it off and put it in the dishwasher. I went over the group and they were watching funny fail videos. I sat with Quinton. I was actually laughing for real. I could tell everybody noticed because they would stare at me occasionally. I guess the liked seeing me happy.

Hey guys hope y'all are safe and having a good summer! I just wanna say thank you so much for all of you guys who stuck with me during this story. I'm going to be ending it soon because I'm running out of ideas and I really want to start in my new book. Anyways stay safe and have a good night y'all! 🌙

Luv ya


- XxNotPeytonxX

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