Hype Fun Day

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I wake up and check my phone. I have no missed calls or texts from anybody. Wow nice to know they care. I would have thought that maybe someone would call considering the fact that I didn't come home last night but whatever. I get up and go into Charli's closet and put this on.

 I get up and go into Charli's closet and put this on

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I walk down stairs and see Addison in the kitchen. I walk over to her and sit on a stool. I was still a bit tired. Addison didn't notice me so I spoke.

El- Good morning.
Addison- Hey El how did you sleep.
El- Good I have a bit of a headache tho.
Addison- Oh let me get you some pain killers.
El- Ok. Is anybody else up yet?
Addison- No they are all still asleep.
El- Ok. Hey we should make pancakes!!!!
Addison- Great idea let me get the ingredients!
El- Ok!

Addi and I start making pancakes. We talk about random girl stuff. I walk over to the stove and start making eggs and bacon while addi makes the pancakes. I finish and set the table for everybody. Addi tells me to go get everybody up and she will finish putting stuff in the table. I go into Alex and Kouvrs room first.

Alex- What the heck El I'm trying to sleep.
El- Sucks to be you get your but up and get Kouvr up and be downstairs in 5.
Alex- Fine.....

I walk into chases room next. I see him passed out on his bed and his Alexa is still playing music from the night before. I tell Alexa to shut the music off and I walked up to chase. I moved his hair out of his face and laid next to him. He rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me and wrapped his arms around me. I got out of his grip and told him to get up.

Chase- I'm trying to sleep go away.
El- Nope get up.
Chase- No.
El- If you don't wake up I'll get the cats to scratch you until your awake.
Chase- Ok fine.
El-Get dressed and be downstairs in 5.
Chase- Ok.

I walk out of chases room and go to everybody else's room and get them up. They all yelled at me but came downstairs eventually. They all see the pancakes and immediately run over to the table and grab some. Addison and I just laugh and watch them fight over the syrup. I rolled my eyes and ate my yogurt. After everybody is done eating we go to the living room and talk for a little bit. The girls and I get up and do some TikToks. I decide to do one by myself. I choose the siren beat one. I do the count down and start then everybody runs over to me and joins in. We do the dance and once we are done I start to laugh and so does everybody else. I posted the video and spoke.

El- I was not expecting that....
Nick- That's the point.
Tony- We totally caught you off guard.
Avani- You should have seen your face.
El- When Ondreaz came running over I thought he was going to tackle me. It was very scary

We all talk a little bit more. Charli and I start talking about how I am getting a new member at the sway house. They don't know the details yet but I said I hopes he is cute. I laugh and she agrees. Chase asks what we are laughing at and I explain to him. He playfully rolls his eyes and goes back to where he was sitting.

El- Honestly this was nice I needed this.
Addison- What do you mean?
El- Getting a break from the boys. I mean don't get me wrong I love them it's just that it can get overwhelming sometimes.
Alex- Yeah I see what you mean.
Kouvr- Yeah I would go insane if I lived in a house full of boys too.
El- It seems nice to have a mixture of boys and girls living in the house.
Mia- Yeah it is nice.

We all chat some more about comparing the two houses. I was talking with Larray when I felt my phone vibrate.

Tayler 🥺👉🏼👈🏼

Hey can you come home now we have to talk as a house

Yeah I'll leave right now cya soon

Ok bye.

El- Hey guys the boys need me home
Avani- Awww ok bye El!
The girls- Bye we will text you later
The Boys- Bye cya later!
El- Bye guys I'll talk to you all soon enough.

I wave goodbye and head to my car. I put on some music and drive. I get hungry and realize it's lunch time so I stop at Wendy's and grab some food. I pull out of the parking lot and drive home. I remember I have to grab stuff from the store so I drive to target real quick. I walk inside and get everything I need and some chocolate cause it's that time of the month. I see the Bang energy drinks so I grab a bunch and go to check out. I wait in the self checkout line and scan all of my stuff. I get my wallet out and pay for the items. I walk back out to my car. I get in and drive to my house while singing my heart out to blueberry fraygo. I finally get home as I get out of my car I grab my stuff from the store and walk up to the house.


Hey guys sorry I'm posting so late I got caught up with some stuff! I hope your liking the story so far it has been taking me a while to figure out where I want the story to lead.

Remember to stay safe and keep 6 ft so we don't die.

Love ya


- XxNotPeytonxX

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