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Hey guys it's me again. So as you know the book has come to and end. I know that it was kind of a bad ending but I hope you don't hate me. I am making a sequel to the book. I don't want to leave you guys completely hanging. That would be rude so. I am calling the sequel Hello Again. It's going to be in Quinton and Els POV the whole book. Also I am going to make it a little shorter that this last book. I am also currently working on a book right now called Captive. It's going to be a Jaden hossler story. I would also like to share some stuff about myself.

This is me.......

My name is Salem

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My name is Salem. I live in Colorado. I have four siblings. I also have 5 cats. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person though. I have a gecko. I'm a slytherin not that it matters lmao. I hate school. With a passion. But stay In school kids. I also am the author of Your Victim and Bestfriend. Both Bryce hall fan fictions.

Sneak peak on Captive.

I was walking home one day after school when I saw something under a bridge I cut across to get home. I wondered what it was so I walked over to it. When I got there my eyes grew wide as I saw the mutilated body of my boyfriend laying in front of me. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach and I suddenly felt nauseous. I collapsed onto the ground as tears flooded my eyes. I tried doing CPR but there was no hope. He was gone and I was now all alone.

Previously on Bestfriend.

Riley just drove us home from our Vacation to Florida. I changed my whole look while in Florida. I am much skinnier and my hair used to be all black now it's ombré. I walked inside and threw my suitcases on the floor and collapsed on my bed. I put my air pods in and turned my LED lights to green and turned Billie Eilish on. I laid on my bed and listened to my music.

I started up the car and drive to school. I was singing a long to party girl when I pulled into the school. I grabbed my stuff and got out of my car. I locked my car and put the keys in my backpack. I was walking up to the school. Ugh here we go. I walked inside and everybody was staring at me.


Nessa and Mads heads snapped up and they came running to me. I hugged them both while laughing it was funny to see their reaction.

Nessa- BRIN!!!!  You changed your look!!!!
Mads- It looks so good!!!!!
Brinley- Thanks!
N&M- So how was it!
Brinley- It was sooooo good and I met a super hot guy there.

Nessa and Mads giggled. I saw Bryce talking with his friends I guess he didn't notice me yet.

Brinley- I'm going to go steal Bryce's skateboard.
Nessa- Lol
Mads- Ok.

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