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We got to the Hype house and grabbed the food. Xavier just followed behind me as we walked up. I looked back and saw he was being very cautious. I put the food down in the porch and bent down.

El- It's ok boy. They aren't going to hurt you.
Charli- Awww is he scared.
El- No I feel like he just feels threatened.
Charli- Oh ok.

We got up and Xavier looked much better. We unlocked the door and walked inside. Everybody was in the living room. Including the sway boys and Quinton. I think Nick told them about what happened and how I was mad at them because nobody came over to hug me. Not even Quinton which kind of hurt not gonna lie. Charli and I walked into the kitchen with our dogs following behind us. We were given very confused looks. We set the food down and I grabbed mine. I told Xavier to sit. Then I told him to stay. I walked up the stairs and waited.

El- Xavier come.

He came running up the stairs towards me. I laughed and told him he was a good boy. I grabbed a fry and tossed it to him. I opened the door to the guest bedroom and walked in. I put on Friends. Xavier jumped up on my bed and laid down next to me. I let him while eating my food. Once I was done I walked downstairs to throw my food away. Xavier was close behind me. I walked up behind Nick and grabbed some of his fries. He spun around to see me feeding them to the dog.

Nick- Hey!
El- What?
Nick- Those were my fries.
El- Oh sorry I thought they were Casper the ghosts.

I laughed and walked away. I heard Xavier growling so I looked over. Nick was teasing him with a fry. I walked over and grabbed a handful and fries and ran up the stairs with Xavier following after me quickly. I turned the TV on to a random channel and saw the news.

Breaking News: Guy escaped from jail. He looks like this.

I looked up and it was the exact guy from the night before. I dropped everything and just froze. All of a sudden all of the flashbacks from the night before came rushing back. I dropped to the floor and sobbed. Xavier ran up to me and I hugged him. Once I finished crying I went out of the room and downstairs. I went over to the living room. Everybody saw me and worried looks fell on their faces.

El- Uhm Charli can I talk to you.
Charli- Yeah. Uh sure.
El- Ok.

We walked into the kitchen and I broke down in tears. She hugged me tightly and asked what happened. I told her about how the guy escaped from jail. She told me that everybody would be here for me and that she wasn't gonna let him hurt me again. We went back over to the living room and I avoided the sway boys. I knew it wasn't their fault. I honestly don't know why I was mad. I just was. I saw that Quinton looked upset. I could see the pain in his eyes. I didn't want him to be hurt. I couldn't stand it. Everybody was having their own conversations. I went up to the guest room. Xavier was laying in the bed so I laid next to him. I talked to him even tho I knew he wouldn't understand. I realized that I didn't have Quintons hoodie with me. I know he was just downstairs but if I didn't have his hoodie I was going to have a panic attack. Those never end well with me. I ran out of my room and checked in everybody's room. None of their rooms had it. I started to freak out as I walked out of Alex and Kouvr's room. God I need to stop being so stubborn. I need to just go up to him and cuddle with him and I will feel better. I decided against it. I went into my room and saw that the news was still on. I was about to turn it off when I saw that the man was in our area. I'm so screwed. I didn't know what to do. I was scared and I felt alone. All of a sudden the walls started closing in. I ran out of my room gasping for air. This was the worst panic attack I've ever had. Nobody noticed I was gasping for air because I all heard them talking still. I was still gasping for air. It felt like my throat was closing up but I knew it wasn't. I collapsed on the floor. I sat there for a second. Screw this. I walked downstairs going over to the living room. He wasn't there anymore. I walked over to Charli and Chase and asked them if they have seen him. They both said no so I worked my way over to all of the other small groups taking. They all said they didn't know where he went. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst into tears as I ran around the house calling his name. I heard people calling after me but I didn't care. I needed to be in his arms. I kept running until I ran into someone. I looked up and it was Quinton. I grabbed onto him and sobbed. I hugged him as tight as I could. He hugged me back as I sobbed into his chest.

Quinton- Hey hey hey. It's ok I'm here.
El- I can't breathe.
Quinton- it's ok just try to breathe.
El- I need your sweatshirt.

He took it if and slipped it on me. I felt better. He asked me why I was crying and I told him about the news. I could see him tense up. He told me everything would be ok and that he will protect me. I fell asleep while hugging him. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him as he carried me up to the guest room. I could hear people whispering but I didn't care. We got to the bedroom and he set me down on the bed and put the covers on me. He then got in the bed with me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I buried my head in his chest. I felt Xavier Juno on the bed and lay next to me as I drifted off to sleep


Hey guys I'm so sorry I missed a day of updating. I promise that I will get better at updating like every day so you don't have to wait. Anyways hope y'all are staying safe and thanks so much for reading my book!

Luv ya



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