Chapter 8

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We don't meet people by accident,they are meant to cross our paths for a reason.


Aramide talked to Shalom in her practice room/booth. "He is out to get me Shalom, you have to believe me" Aramide said upset, "I don't know how he does it but I know...he is evil. He is a terrible person, I am beginning to think he isn't human."

"I believe you,you are my friend" Shalom said, though believing her friend was dramatic. "Plus I have seen the way King glares at you. He is kind of scary."

"I know but I am not going to let him get that satisfaction. I will win this" Aramide said determined.

"Good courage girl, good luck" Shalom said in admiration and high fived Aramide.


Throughout the competition, King bullied Aramide and sabotaged her performances by putting her shoes in paint, putting oil in her practice room so she slips, pulling her hair, pushing her, e.t.c and when Aramide tried to tell anyone,he pretended to be nice and kind which frustrated Aramide.

At the second to the final show, the judges addressed he remaining contestants.

"Congratulations to you all,you made it to the finals" Mrs Temitope said pleased. "We can only have three winners. The first, the second and the third so work hard to win."

At the backstage with Aramide and Shalom. "King is going to do something,I know it" Aramide told Shalom. "He is driving me crazy. I feel like every time I take a step, he is going to do something terrible to me."

"I know, he has been so horrible to you. We can only pray he doesn't do anything to you."

The next day, Aramide was practicing her dance routine and King watched her. Aramide stopped dancing and walked to him.

"What do you want? Do you want to steal my routine?" Aramide asked irritated. "Whatever you are planning, it won't work."

"Trust me, it will" King said with a glint in his eyes that Aramide failed to notice. "I am going to win."

"No you are not" Aramide crossed her arms. "you know you don't stand a chance in winning and that's why you are picking on me. What I don't understand how you are able to do so many mean things, my hair is still healing from that bleach you put on it."

"You talk too much" King commented, watching her silently.

"Please go away,you are going to put me in a bad mood so please leave" Aramide said fed up.

"I will leave" King smirked and left.

At the last day of the practice, Aramide was packing her things and Shalom came to meet her. "Ara, your mom is waiting for you" Shalom said.

"I know, I'm coming" Aramide said and Shalom left. Aramide saw her water bottle and grabbed it. "Hey! I have been looking for this. I wonder where it has been."

Aramide opened the bottle and drank the water. She suddenly paused when she felt a fiery sting in her throat. She looked at the water, and kept the bottle.

She decided to ignore the stinging sensation as she walked towards the door but suddenly, her expression changed and she gulped. She held her throat and began to pant.

"Wh-what is going on?" She panted. She brought out her water bottle about to drink more water but she suddenly coughed and saw blood.

Aramide's eyes widened and the pain intensified. "Mom! Mommy!" She began to scream in pain. "MOMMMM!!!!".

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