Chapter 35

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Somewhere, someone is thinking of you wishing one day somewhere somehow you will meet.


Months later, King sat in his office, leaning back in the chair with his legs on the office desk. He seemed to be thinking. "Hey man" a fair-skinned man walked in without warning making King shake unsteadily.

"Hey! Knock next time" King snapped.

"Okay, I will" the man said, "It's late, you need to come with me and the guy. Let's have fun. Don't be such a bore."

"I don't know Leon, I am really not in the mood" King answered. He dropped his legs and sat properly.

"King, you are never in the mood. Let loose, have fun. You are still young" Leon said. "come on, there is a special performance at this club."

"What performance?" King asked.

"A dance performance. I know you like dance" Leon grinned mischievously.

"I don't know what you are up to but, okay" King said.

Leon patted King's back pleased. "Atta boy, come on."

At a restaurant, Aramide was serving food to customers. "Excuse me, I want the coconut rice and chicken" a customer said.

"Okay, I'll get it" Aramide said and went to the kitchen. "Order 17 for table 12."

"Thanks Ara" a man said.

"You should get going Ara, your performance is tonight" a girl said.

"I know" Aramide said rushed as she placed two bowls on a tray.

"I still don't get how you want to work here when you have your future set out" Vera said.

"Stop talking and keep cooking" an older woman said snappily as she walked in.

"Yes madam" everyone chorused and worked faster. Some of the workers sneered behind the woman's back. She walked away.

"Aramide, leave it. Victor called. You have a show to get to" a woman said.

"Jeez, Victor won't let me be" Aramide complained.

"Can you blame him? He is your manager" the man said. "Go now, hurry!"

"Okay" Aramide said defeated and took off her apron. She went inside to change and came back. She grabbed her bag and rushed out, "bye!"

"Bye!" her friends yelled at her.

At a big club, King and his friends are sitting on a round chair together. "Where is the so called entertainment?" King said bored and unimpressed.

"Relax King" Leon said. "Forget the entertainment. At least relax." King scoffed and looked away.

At another club, at the backstage, Aramide opened the door and saw a tall dark skinned man in front of her. She smiled nervously, "hi Victor."

"What is wrong with you Ara?!" Victor yelled. "you are a star so act like one. Act like you really want this. Come on time!"

"I am sorry Victor" Aramide apologized. "i won't come late again."

Victor sighed, "stop acting so innocent and making me guilty. Are you ready?"

"Yes" Aramide smiled.

The lights dimmed and spotlights shone on the stage. A man walked in, "here is a dance performance by dancing sensation, Queen!"

The curtains parted and a song played. Aramide appeared on stage and started dancing. Back up dancers appear on stage.

At the other club where King is at, a female dancer danced on stage. King stared at her beautiful and sensual dance. He suddenly saw Aramide's face.

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