Chapter 42

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Let me tell you a lie. Did you know that I hate you, I don't need you and I can forget you.


Adam grinned at Aramide and took her hand. Aramide flinched fearfully but let him shake her hand.

"It is nice to meet you Aramide" Adam said, pretending not to know her while Aramide suppressed the urge to run away. King quickly stood behind her and held her.

"Adam, long time no see" King greeted coldly.

"King, it's been a long time. It's good to see you. Congrats on the award" Adam smiled.

"Thanks" King answered blandly, "excuse me, Ara come with me." King grabbed Aramide intending to take her away but the partner stopped them.

"Why are you taking her away? We still have other people to meet" the partner complained annoyed.

King eyed him then Adam who watched curiously. King pulled the partner some distances away and said. "Look at her," he gestured at Aramide.

"She is shocked because of your partner Victor tried to force himself on her" King explained angrily, "is he supposed to behave like that? Aramide needs to go home and relax. Deal with whatever you have to tell her tomorrow."

The partner stared Aramide shocked. He backed down, "you are right. Take her. Thank you King."

King silently nodded displeased and led Aramide out. Aramide followed him silently even as she entered his car and he drove off.

At the Uwem Mansion, King and Aramide arrived home and found the family waiting up for them in the living room.

"We saw everything on TV, both of you did great" Sam said proudly.

"I didn't know Aramide could sing like that" Sinach said amazed. Everyone noticed King and Aramide were strangely quiet and Aramide looked dazed.

"What's wrong?" Vivian asked concerned, "did something happen?"

"I will explain later" King answered and took Aramide to her room. Aramide just zombie walked to her bed and sat down.

"Aramide, you need to relax. We aren't near those jerks anymore. Change into something more comfortable and we will talk" King said. Aramide just stared into space.

"Don't make me change you myself" King attempted to joke but Aramide showed no sign of life.

King knelt in front of her, looking pained. "Ara please, I don't like seeing you like this. Just change and we will talk. Please." He pleaded.

Aramide finally responded by stiffly nodding. King looked relieved and left the room. Later, King came back and found Aramide dressed in a night gown. She was just staring out the window while sitting on her bed.

"Princess, I know you feel hurt about what happened but don't worry" King said, "I'll make sure nothing happens."

"I don't know why...tonight, when I was the happiest. I got reminded of all the bad experiences I went through with men" Aramide said monotonously. King looked distraught.

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