Chapter 16

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It takes forever to put yourself back together as it does fall apart.


4 Years Later.

At Caleb international School, Aramide is dancing in a small room. Aramide ended the dance and the students clapped amazed.

Aramide smiled. She went to the board and wrote. When I am done with you guys, you will be amazing dancers like me. Now try to do this, we are starting the choreography.

Aramide dropped the marker and started posing moves one by one. Some students do it and others find it hard as the complexity of the moves increase.

“Aunty, I can’t do it. I think I will fall” a boy said. Aramide nodded and walked to him. She held him straight and helped him move his body in the way the move was.

Aramide helped the other students and when she was done, she went to the board to wrote. Do not forget to stretch your muscles before dancing. Don’t just start dancing without warming up.

“Yes Aunty!” the students chorused and they continued practicing some more before the bell rang. Students ran out of the class and some turned around to wave to her “Bye miss Aramide!” they shouted and left the class.

Aramide walked out of the class after arranging the class. She met a teacher on her way. “Hi Ara, are you going anywhere tonight?” A woman asked. Aramide shook her head.

“Then let's go out” the woman offered.

I can’t my legs are sore. I need to rest and there is school tomorrow. Aramide typed.

“Oh sorry. Your legs must hurt all the time from dancing” the woman tsked, “get some rest, I will see you tomorrow.”

Aramide nodded and the woman left. Aramide went her way and met a fair tall woman some distance away from her. She smiled.

“Hello my baby boo” the fair lady made a kissy face and spread out her hands for a hug. Aramide hugged the girl.

Shalom. I missed you so much. Aramide thought grinning.

Aramide pulled away from Shalom. She typed on her phone. What are you doing here? You should have informed me you were coming.

“I just felt like surprising you” Shalom said, “so where should we go? I am in the mood for a light snack. Let's go to Chicken Republic. My treat.”

Aramide shrugged and typed. Okay, since you offered but let's make it fast. I would like to rest from all the teaching. My feet are sore.

Shalom laughed. The both of them went to the Chicken Republic restaurant nearby.

Aramide took a seat while Shalom goes to order food. Aramide observed her surroundings and noticed someone familiar. She stared harder with furrowed eyebrows and her eyes widened. She recognized the person.

“Hey girl, I got the chicken.” Shalom said, taking a seat opposite Aramide. Aramide didn’t responding and kept her gaze ahead. Shalom finally noticed.

“What is wrong?” Shalom asked confused. Aramide pointed behind Shalom and she turned.

“Derek?! Isn't that your boyfriend?!” Shalom asked shocked, “and he is kissing that chick?! How dare he?! I am going to give him a piece of my mind–”

Aramide held Shalom's wrist, stopping her from standing. Aramide shook her head disapprovingly. “But...You are just going to let him go?!” Shalom asked outraged.

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