Chapter 11

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I don't want to have the world's attention, yours is enough.


Vera and Tomiwa are watching Aramide and a boy talking. Vera has a fan girl look in her eyes and she is gripping Tomiwa's shoulder tightly. He winced and Vera squealed, "Aramide and Sele make such a cute couple."

"Calm down woman" Tomiwa hissed, "I can feel your nails digging into my skin and plus, you owe all this to me. Sele is my friend, if he wasn't, Aramide wouldn't have gotten to know him."

"Jeez, you don't always have to act like you deserve all the thanks" Vera said perfunctorily and Tomiwa rolled his eyes frowning. They continued watching Aramide talking to the boy known as Sele.

"We can discuss the project over a snack, what do you think?" Sele said. Aramide smiled and nodded.

"Good, you have a boyfriend or something?" Sele asked nervously.

Aramide's eyes widened in surprise and her heart swelled in anticipation. Vera nearly squealed in her position. Aramide brought out her phone about to reply when someone interrupted her.

"What are you doing Ara?" King asked calmly and Aramide looked at him surprised. She placed a hand on her hip and gave him a look that said, 'How is that your business?'

Sele watched them tensely. Everyone knew if the intense rivalry between them. Vera and Tomiwa watched them tensely, wondering if they should make an entrance.

"Um, King? Can I just finish talking to Ara then you two can continue?" Sele said.

"That is not going to be possible because I have something important to say to her" King said and turned to Aramide. He held her hand gently towards him and Aramide looked stunned.

What the heck is he up to? Why is he behaving so...weird? Aramide wondered a bit fearfully. King had never been so gentle with her.

"Aramide, I want to apologize for everything I have ever done to you. I was wrong and I truly regret it" King said and everyone there stared at him in shock and disbelief. Aramide was the most shocked, her jaw had dropped.

"i...ever since I saw you at school, I couldn't help but feel attracted to you" King said softly and Aramide nearly choked. Sele, Tomiwa and Vera stared stunned. King continued, "unfortunately you hated me and I could only reciprocate that anger, but now I can't hold it anymore. I really like you Aramide."

Aramide's eyes widened as King looked at her so earnestly. Her heart beat faster and she was trying to convince herself he was lying but the piercing gaze he was giving her was crumbling her resolve.

"What?!" Sele exclaimed, "how is that possible?!". Aramide regained her senses and suddenly found herself closer to King. One arm was wrapped around her waist and his other hand was holding hers, their noses were almost touching.

Aramide pursed her lips and tried to move away but King's grip on her was really strong. She shot him a dirty look and she swore she saw a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Is he taking revenge for what I did last week? Aramide figured out. She tried to wriggle out of his grip upon realizing that but King wasn't letting her go anywhere. He was now holding her from behind, his head resting on her shoulder.

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