Chapter 55

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All the time I spend with you is why I realized no matter when or where I was or what world line I was on, I was always in love with you.


King drove in his car and recalled the times he spent with Aramide. “I’m sorry Ara. I am so sorry” King said in pain.

The next day, at the place Aramide is held captive. She was asleep on the floor after screaming for help when Chika walked in.

“Wake up wake up sister” Chika said mockingly and Aramide woke up and. She glared at Chika once she registered what was happening.

“How dare you kidnap me Chika?! I swear you will pay for this” Aramide scowled at Chika.

“We will see. Get up, you are coming with me” Chika said, “i want to give you a more painful death. Maybe I will kill King in addition.”

“No! Leave me! Leave me!” Aramide screamed as Chika held her. Two men walked in and picked Aramide up. They took her to Chika's car.

At the Uwem mansion, King sat on the couch, clutching his head in frustration. Vivian quietly served him tea. “Don't stress yourself too much” Vivian said worried.

King tried to show he was grateful but he couldn’t find the strength to do so. Sam walked in and King looked at him.

“The police are still searching, they will call us once they have any news” Sam said encouragingly. King's face fell in disappointment.

“If Chika does anything to my daughter, I will kill her. I don't mind going to jail again” Ken said angrily.

“Don't say that Ken” Sam scolded softly. Ken stayed with them all night in case he would hear something from them.

King's phone rang and he answered the call immediately. “Hello?! Officer?!” He exclaimed expectantly. Everyone looked at him with bated breath.

“Mr. King, someone spotted her at...” A police officer informed, “we are heading there now.”

“Okay, I will be there” King said, “I'm on my way.”

King hung up and announced. “A police officer said someone spotted Aramide” King said eagerly, “I’m going there now.”

“I'm coming with you” Ken said and the two men rushed out. Moyo and Wesley came in just as Ken and King were going out.

“What happened?” Moyo asked.

“Someone spotted Aramide” Vivian said relieved, “your dad and King left to find her.”

“Come, let's follow them” Moyo whispered to Wesley. Wesley agreed and both of them slipped out unnoticed.


At an incomplete storey building, Chika and her men dragged Aramide up. They stopped at the top floor which was the fourth.

“You know” Chika said nostalgic, “I remember how mom and dad reacted when you died. They were so sad. Mom couldn't take it and she died shortly. Then loved you more than me. He favored you more than me.”

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