Chapter 38

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Tell me you will be right here with me. Through the good and bad, all in between. You are the one I want and the one I needed.


At a lively restaurant, Aramide is talking to Shalom. “...Wait wait wait” Shalom said. “i don't get it. You and King hated each other, ruined each other, helped each other, stayed away from each other and now you're friends?! Isn't it weird to you?!”

Aramide pouted and thought about it. “Honestly,” she said, “It is but it is easy for us because we have some sort of connection. Despite everything that has happened, we have some sort of understanding.”

“Are you serious?! Have you forgotten what you and King did to each other? Have you forgotten that both of you slept together?!”

Aramide pounced on shalom, slapping her mouth shut. “Shhh.”

“Sorry” Shalom whispered. “but you need to understand the situation. You and King have screwed each other up and then you act like friends.”

“Stop overreacting and stop reminding me” Aramide frowned. “Yes, we’ve been through that but we have forgiven each other. We have decided to put everything in the past and forget it now let things be.”

“He tried to rape you–”

“Shalom, please stop” Aramide said offended. “That was over a year ago. I am not going to make myself suffer for not forgiving him. Grudges are like burdens. They only make you bitter and angry. You end up being the only one suffer if you keep them.”

“Okay there still any... sexual tension between you guys because you know what happened last time?” Shalom asked curiously. She took a sip of her juice.

“Well, nothing like that has happened to us” Aramide thought, “although there was this moment when I wore a short gown to a gig and he happened to be there. He didn't really like what I wore.”

“Really?” Shalom said interested. “Do you think he is still attracted to you?”

“No, he isn't attracted to me. We are just friends now.”

“Oh yeah” Shalom said sarcastically. “You are just friends despite the intimate history you guys share.”

“Shut up, what are you trying to prove?” Aramide snapped.

“I am trying to prove that a man and a woman can't be 'just friends' and considering the past you and King have with each other” Shalom said eating a fry. “it won't be long before things start getting messed up.”

Aramide gave Shalom a look before ignoring her and eating her food. In the background, the man who bumped into King the other day was watching them from another table.


“Wake up Katherine! Don’t do this to me!” I yelled desperately, “wake up! Wake up!”.

“it’s not fair Katherine! You can’t keep on running away”

“You are wrong. The only person who owns my heart is Kath and no one else”.

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