~Part 7~

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⚠️slight warning ED topic⚠️


I woke up with Josh's arms around me. I slowly crawled out of his arms and went downstairs to find Mads Avani Dixie and Olivia sitting at the table "hey laddies wheres addi?" "Her and Bryce are at the hype house" Dixie told me "oh okay" they all looked at me "uh what's up?" I asked them "Are you fucking kidding me" Dixie said

"bro last night you told me that you and josh kissed and then you slept in his bed sooooooooo spill" Mads said "uh well we went to dinner and then he set up this date in the park with blankets and a movie and we hung out and when we got back here we kissed and it was by far the best moment of my life and then I got changed and we watched some tik toks and we made out and then I fell asleep" "YOU MADE OUT" Avani screamed a little too loud

"yes yes" I said shushing her "damn girly" Olivia looked shocked. We all laughed and Dixie said "wait did he ask you out" "no" I said kinda sad. "Well Im gonna go shower" they all nodded and I went upstairs. I walked in the bathroom and got undressed I looked at myself.

I've always struggled with my body and I've never really loved myself. For some reason today was just one of those days when you hate how you look. I tried so hard not too but before I knew it I was crying and looking at the toilet.

God damnit Nessa you can't keep doing this I told myself after I had thrown up. Here I was sitting on the floor naked exposed feeling terrible about myself alone. What am I doing.

Then I heard a knock. "Who is it" I said in a shaky voice oh god please don't be josh "it's Mads" a part of me was relieved and I put a towel on and opened the door. "Oh sweetie" she immediately hugged me seeing my tear stained face. We sat down still hugged and stayed like that for awhile "thank you" I told her crying "you don't have to thank me Nessa I'll always be here wifey" I laughed a little and we locked pinky's. "Promise?" I asked "promise" she told me. "Oh we're going to the hype house today btw so I'm gonna let you get ready and let me know if you need anything okay love you" "love you too" she left and I showered I got dressed in this

 "Oh we're going to the hype house today btw so I'm gonna let you get ready and let me know if you need anything okay love you" "love you too" she left and I showered I got dressed in this

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I did some light makeup and put my straightened my hair. I walked out and saw everyone downstairs ready to go. We got ubers and headed over to the hype house. Josh help my hand as we walked in I was introduced to everyone and everyone was really nice.

Then I remembered that Chase was in the hype house. Shit. He came up to me and hugged me "nice to see you again" I put on a fake smile and awkwardly said "yeah me too" josh gave me a look and I whispered "I'll tell you later" he nodded and I was introduced to the rest of the people. Then it was charli. "Hi charli I'm Nessa it's really nice to finally meet you." "You too" she smiled and hugged me she was really nice to me and I felt bad cause she looked worried about chase.

When everyone had scattered Josh pulled me aside obviously wanting an explanation as to how I knew chase. "We met on my plane ride here that's it and he was weirdly interested in me and it kinda creeped me out but it doenst matter." "Okay" he smiled and hugged me.

Then Alex said "we should play truth or dare" oh Jesus I thought to myself while everyone agreed. I've seen enough movies to know that these never fucking end well but here we are. This should be good. It was charlis turn and she said "Dixie truth or dare" "dare" "I dare you to kiss one of the girls" she gave charli an annoyed look and looked at Griffin he looked unbothered she gave Addison and quick peck and then Dixie said "Josh truth or dare" "truth" "do you see yourself dating Nessa" I was nervous to hear his response "yes" was all he said and then he asked Bryce and Bryce asked ryland and so on until Thomas asked chase "truth or dare" "truth" "who is the hottest gurl here and you can't say charli" "um Nessa" he gave me this look and I ignored him and looked at Josh.

What is with this dude. We played for a little longer and then Me Josh Kio Olivia Bryce Griffin jaden and Mads all went home. Anthony Avani Addison and Dixie were staying at the hype house tonight.

Once we were back at sway we were all hanging out and then Josh went to the kitchen and Olivia and Mads followed him. Strange. Next thing I know there are four boys surrounding me. "Uh" "look what's going on with you and Josh" Jaden asked "um i mean" "like you banging or is there like feelings and shit" Bryce said griffin hit him "dude you don't ask a girl that" Jaden rolled his eyes and said "so..." "looks guys i like him a lot and he said he likes me too and no we aren't "banging" Bryce but honestly I don't know what's gonna happen so" they all looked at each other and then Josh Olivia and Mads walked back in. Josh sat next to me looking weirdly excited but also nervous.


I walked into the kitchen and when I turned around I saw Mads and Olivia staring at me Olivia said "So how do you feel about Nessa" I just stared at them "well speak dude" Mads said hitting my shoulder "well um I like her a lot but I don't think she wants to date me and I don't even know how I would ask her out" they looked at each other smiling

"are you stupid" Mads asked me "of course she likes you and why wouldn't she want to date you" Olivia said before I could answer Mads. "Listen dude your gonna ask her out tomorrow and it's gonna be perfect" Mads told me firmly.

I just nodded "how tho" "were going to the beach tomorrow All 12 of us and at the end of the day during sunset your gonna ask her" Olivia told me I was just kinda staring at them in shock. "Okay yeah that sounds perfect" I said and I smiled

"oh and Josh" Mads said as they were about to leave "I swear to god if you hurt her I will kill you slowly and painfully I promise you that" she said giving me a death stare. "Okay I think it's time to go" Olivia said leading her out laughing I walked out behind them and sat next to Nessa why was she so adorable.

I mean how did I get this lucky. How can someone be so perfect. All I know is tomorrow has to be amazing because I have to ask her the right way. We went back up to my room and laid down she was already asleep and my last thought before falling asleep was by the end of tomorrow Nessa Barrett will hopefully be my girlfriend.

My Forever - Nessa Barrett and Josh Richards Where stories live. Discover now