~Part 19~

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Okay!! Nessa just left to take her mom back to the airport. When she gets back it's gonna be perfect. All of the boys are gone and all the rest of the girls are at the hype house. Now it's gonna be Mads and Nessa perfect wife day. I have the movies ready, the music, our bathing suits, and I decorated the pool area. Then I heard the door open


"I'm gonna miss you mom" I said while hugging her "I know honey" I let a tear out. "I talked to Josh and sweetie your staying another two weeks extra I have some things that your dad and I need to figure out and I think it's best if you aren't here and after that it's your choice if you want to move here or not" she smiled at me big "are you serious" she nodded "so that's why you brought more of my clothes" we laughed a little and her flight got called. We said our goodbye she walked into her flight and I went back to my car. I screamed. "I GET TO STAY EVEN FUCKING LONGER" I started going crazy happy. I turned on my music and drove back to sway. When I got there I opened the door and there was music playing and lights and decorations and then I saw Mads "I love you so much Mads" I went and gave her a hug and we started watching one of the movies she had ready. After the first two movies "Mads I'm staying for two more extra weeks and" before I could finish mass attacked me with a hug "ARE YOU KIDDING ME THATS AMAZING" I laughed "you didn't let me finish" "oh sorry" she laughed "so uh my mom said that it's my choice if I want to move here or not and I was wondering if you wanted to get an apartment together?" "No I'm sorry" "oh uh okay" "Omg Im kissing HELL YES I WANT TO LIVE WITH YOU" we squealed and hugged and then we got into our bathing suits and went to go swim and sit in the hot tub. After a while Of us hanging out and dancing being stupid. Jaden and Josh got home and they got in splashing us. "Chicken fight" Mads said I laughed and me and Mads fought for a while until I got her down but she came up and pulled me off josh and we started dying laughing while the boys just watched us smiling after that we dried off put our clothes back on and went inside to watch another movie. "Did your mom tell you" Josh whispered in my ear "yes" I looked up smiling at him. I gave Mads a look and she paused the movie. "Me and Mads have an announcement" I told them "we are moving into an apartment together here in LA" "wait your kidding your actually moving here Ness" I nodded and he got up and hugged me tight. "Mads your gonna be here permantaly now?" She went and hugged Jaden "yes I am" we continued watching the movie and I suggested "we should go to the beach tomorrow just the four of us" "sounds fun" Jaden said Mads looked excited and Josh hugged me tighter.  Next thing I know the door is being knocked on loudly. Josh went an opened it and Chase burst through the door and walked straight up to me "listen bitch your gonna keep what happened to yourself alright because if anyone else finds out your dead" he was so close to me and I just froze Josh grabbed him and started punching him but this time Chase fought back and Jaden tried to pull them apart while Mads hugged me but Chase grabbed something off the floor and hit Josh on the head with it. That snapped me out of it and I got between them and screamed "STOP" at Chase "GET OUT AND MAYBE I WONT EXPOSE YOU BUT IF YOU DONT LEAVE RIGHT NOW ITS GOING TO BE EVERYWHERE AND YOUR CAREER IS OVER" he walked out and when I looked back Josh smiled at me and Then suddenly dropped to the floor. I ran to him and put his head in my lap I heard Mads on the phone with 911. Shit. What is happening. Please don't die. You can't die. You're my everything. "His heart is beating hes just unconscious" jaden reassured me. The ambulance came back Jaden went with Josh while Mads got me some water and took me in Jadens car. I was freaking out. I can't lose him we pulled up to the hospital and we ran in and sat in the waiting room next to Jaden. And then they called us to come see him...

My Forever - Nessa Barrett and Josh Richards Where stories live. Discover now