~Part 33~

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I woke up to Josh lightly shaking me awake. Hello Jersey. My home. My love. And the source of my traumatic experiences and problems. Here we go.

We walked out of the plane and Mads and Olivia came up next to me and grabbed my hands. "Okay bitch where first" Olivia said. I laughed "well we have our last meet and greet in three hours so there" I said and liv sighed "okay but after that we are so going out" Mads agreed and we walked to the bus that would take us to the hotel.

"Room arrangements are All the girls in one room and all the guys in the other. There are 4 beds in each so two in each bed and the attachment has a living room and kitchen. See you all in 2 hours in the hall" Micheal told us and me and the girls ran to our room laughing.

I opened the door and my mom was standing there "MOM" I screamed and ran to her and she hugged me tight "hi sweetheart" she laughed. "So mom this is Avani, Charli, Cynthia, Olivia, Addison, Dixie, and You know Mads" I told her and she gave them all hugs. "Guys this is my mom and she's the best." I said and we all laughed.

Most of them had met her sorta during her visit to LA after the incident but I know she forgets names so I reintroduced everyone. "Oh Ness I have a surprise for you" she said and I looked at her confused and then I felt a little tap on my shoulder. And turned around to see.

JULIAN. I scooped him up "I missed you so much buddy" I told him and he hugged me tight "me too" he told me. I introduced him to all the girls and then I took him and my mom to the guys room. I knocked and said "I have my mother and little brother so am I clear to come in"

"Yeah go for it" Bryce yelled and I opened the door. "Everyone this is my mom and Julian. This is Bryce, Jaden, Anthony, Kio, Griffin, Quinton, Josh" after I said Josh Julian ran to him and hugged him. My heart melted. "And this is Chase" I said.

I looked back at my mom and she looked PISSED. Fuck I forgot she knows about Chase. "One second"
I told him and they all started talking to Julian. I pulled my mom aside and said "mom it's cool we're all good with Chase again I promise" she looked angry still but nodded.

We had to be downstairs in an hour and a half so my mom said goodbye to everyone and said "I'll see you ALL tomorrow for lunch" she said and everyone looked surprised "I've been cooking for the past two days so no skipping" she said pointing her finger and we all laughed "I never turn down food Mrs. Barrett we will be there" Bryce said and she laughed at him and left with Julian.

Me and the girls all got ready and I put this on

Me and the girls all got ready and I put this on

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I straightened my hair and then did some loose curls and went to go see Josh

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I straightened my hair and then did some loose curls and went to go see Josh. And Avani wanted to come with me to see ant

"Were coming in so if your naked hide" Avani yelled and I laughed as she burst the door open without hesitation. "What would you have done if I was naked standing here staring at you" Bryce said to Avani. "Scream, puke, run, all of the above." She said and I laughed.

"Josh and Ant are in there" Griff told us pointing to the living room. We walked in and I gave Josh a kiss. "You excited for your last meet and greet if tour" he asked me and I nodded. "Yep" I said jumping up and saying "now cmon everyone is heading downstairs" he got up and picked me up and I got on his back. Thankfully I had shorts on under my skirt.

We headed downstairs and Bryce put Addison on his back and they raced down the hall while we held on so we wouldn't die. They put us down in the elevator and I hit Josh "I swear to god if you had dropped me I would I killed you" I told him and hugged me "no you wouldn't have I'm too cute" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

We got down to the huge room where the 400 people, that was supposed to be 200 but doubled due to the cancelations in other states, would gather to meet us. We set up and stood in this order. Chase, Charli, Anthony, Avani, Kio, Olivia, Quinton, Cynthia, Griffin, Dixie, Jaden, Mads, Josh, Me, Bryce, and Addison.

Everyone started flooding in and Addi whispered to me "I was thinking girls club night tonight?" I whispered back "but me Cynthia Mads and Charli are underaged" "i got you" she said and I laughed and said "Okay bet but no boys tonight girls bonding" she nodded and winked.

She texted in our girls group chat "get ready for some clubbing tonight ladies we are gonna have us time. NO BOYS." And we all looked at our phones are the same time. Everyone giggled a little and Avani yelled "awe shit". Olivia started making it rain with the air and we started dying and all the guys looked confused.

"What is up with y'all" Jaden asked. "Absolutely nothing" Mads said and we ignored their questions. We'd been through a lot of people and then suddenly someone who looked very familiar came up to me with flowers. No way. Fuck.

Luke. (He's made up just so you know) My Ex boyfriend. "Hi Nessa" he said handing me the flowers. I took them and set them down behind me. He went into kiss me on the cheek and Josh got in front of him.

"Who are you" Luke asked him "Josh her boyfriend" he said firmly. "Nessa..." Luke looked at me with sad eyes. "I broke up with you a long time ago and I moved on sorry" I handed him the flowers and before he walked away he said under his breath "slut". I looked over at Josh and he lit up with anger and grabbed him.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER" he said loudly and a lot of people were filming and cheering him on. "I said slut" Luke said pushing Josh off. Josh went to punch him but I grabbed his arm "Josh let me handle this please" I told him and he softened and went back in line angry.

"Luke your a douche bag. You have been since I met you, while we were together for the most uncomfortable 4 months of my life. You hit on girls constantly and all you ever did was touch my ass. So I'm sorry that I broke up with you and made you cry in your car for 20 minutes but I'm really not that sorry actually cause your a dick. IK with Josh and your not gonna change that." He started to walk away defeated and then I said "oh and if anyone's a slut at least I didn't kiss my friends mom" he scoffed and walked out.

I turned around to see Olivia dying laughing on the floor, Bryce goes "roasted pussy roasted", Josh gave me a hug, Mads said "DAMN", "thats on mother fucking periot" Cynthia yelled and everyone was screaming and cheering. I was laughing and josh goes "THATS MY BABY MAN" and hugged me.

We finished the meet and greet and all us girls met in the lobby when we got back to the hotel.

"Okay guys it's 5 we have 3 hours to find a dress for everyone to match in and get the accessories we want to label us for our "girls night" and be ready to go. Oh and keep it all a secret" Addison said. We all nodded and I said "let's go bitches" and we all walked out.

My Forever - Nessa Barrett and Josh Richards Where stories live. Discover now