~Part 35~

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"Who's fucking alarm is that" Cynthia said. "Mine" Mads told her resulting in a pillow being thrown. Somehow we all were randomly piled into the two of four beds we had.

"Guys we have to get up" I checked the time. 9:47. "We have to be at my house at 1." I told them all sitting up slowly. "It feels like someone is hammering my head" Dixie said groaning. "I'm not moving" Olivia told me. "Oh yes you are" I said pulling her up. She protested groaning. "Nooooo stop" she hit me while saying.

We all sat up and were rubbing our eyes and holding our heads when someone burst through the door. "RISE AND SHINE HUNGOVER LADIES" Bryce screamed yanking the curtains open blinding us all. "Nope" Addison yelled running to the corner so she wouldn't see the sun. "Relax girls I got you." He said handing us all suspicious looking smoothies.

"Bryce what is this" I asked him. "The ultimate hangover cure you'll be good in no time" he told us. "Aka the smoothie his mom taught us guys how to make cause she knows how Bryce is" Kio said walking in. "How are you guys this morning I heard about last night" He said looking sad. "Were lovely now Bryce CLOSE THE FUCKING BLINDS" Dixie yelled at him.

"No can do kid. Your all getting up drinking your smoothies and going downstairs to eat breakfast. Don't me make drag you all out of bed because I will happily throw you all in the Elevator" he said trying to be strict. "Were going big guy" Avani said laughing patting his arm. "Kio what did they tell you" I asked him.

"Well it's also what we saw" he said. Huh.


*last night*

The limo arrived at the hotel and all the girls were spaced out and half asleep. "How in the hell are the four of us getting all of them up there" Griffin asked me. "We're gonna carry them I guess and anyone who can walk we will just help." I told him. They sighed and I said "so who is awake"

Olivia, Avani, And Cynthia raised their hands. "Great 3 good 5 need carried" Bryce said. "Jaden you stay here in case any of them wake up or puke or somthing" I told Jaden and he nodded.

I stabilized Avani, Bryce had Olivia, and Griff has Cynthia. We got some strange looks getting to the elevator and once we got upstairs. Anthony came out "oh damn did you lose the rest of them?" He said and came and picked up Avani from me. "Nope their in the car passed out well sorta" I told him and he made a "yikes" face. "The hell happened" Chase asked "is Charli okay?" He seems generally worried. "Yeah she passed out in the car wanna go get her" Griff asked him. He nodded and I saw Olivia fall. I went to catch her but Kio was already there "got her" he said and took her into her room.

"Good ex boyfriend" Bryce said and I laughed. We got back downstairs and Chase's face dropped. "Are they dead" he asked. "Nope but here's Charli"
I told him getting her out of the limo. He held her and she wrapped around him. "Walk slow she might puke" Jaden warmed him. He left and got in the Elevator.

Jaden picked up Mads and Bryce got Addison as she hung over his shoulder. "Griff is that you" Dixie asked him. "Yeah it's me" he said. "You smell nice" she told him and he laughed and took her up.

I stood there looking in the car. How does she manage to be cute even when she drunk and passed out. I smiled and picked her up like a princess. She wrapped her arms around my neck "I feel like shit" she whispered to me. "I got you" I kissed her head and took her upstairs and laid her in their bed.

I quietly closed the door and went back to my room. "The hell went down tonight" Quinton asked. "Girl party" I told him. We laughed and went to sleep.

My Forever - Nessa Barrett and Josh Richards Where stories live. Discover now