Calls and Confessions

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Caitlin looks up at the attorney. "Does this mean," she starts.

"Everything.  It's all yours." Mr. Turk clarifies for her. "Except 50% of S.T.A.R. Labs and its assets, which will go to Mr. Allen here. You two can settle that on your own or we can sit down and determine how you would like to divide the assets." He flips through the papers in his folder and hands another paper to each of them. "Here is a list of all of S.T.A.R. Lab's assets." He watches as they both scan the papers, their eyes widening the further down the pages they go. "Would you like to determine ownership on your own or,"

"Yes." They say simultaneously.

"Alright." He takes a clipped stack of papers out of his folder and slides it over to Caitlin. "Dr. Snow, here is a list of all properties included in Dr. Wells' estate."

Caitlin scans the paper and puts it down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Barry turns to her and reaches to put his hand on her knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze and keeping it there. She turns to look at him, confusion and exhaustion clear in her eyes.

"I don't know what to do with this." She says quietly, staring at her desk.

"Well the only thing you have to decide is whether you are keeping it or not. Mr. Allen, I informed you of the circumstances surrounding your inheritance of S.T.A.R. Labs?" Barry nods. "Good. Dr. Snow. Like Mr. Allen, Dr. Wells' has left you a video message on this drive." He hands her an old flash drive. She stares at it for a few seconds before reaching out to take it from him, carefully, as if grabbing it wrong might make it explode. "When you have finished watching it, a notification will be sent to my office. Upon receiving, I will finalize the paperwork passing ownership to you and Mr. Allen. If I do not receive the notification by the end of the week, the properties will pass into receivership and you will bare no further responsibility."

Caitlin doesn't say anything. She's staring at the drive.

"Well, I will take my leave." He lays a card down on her desk. "All the information you need should be in this folder." He puts his hand down on the folder he's left on her desk. "Give me a call if you have any further questions. Either of you."

He nods to Barry who looks up at him and nods back, giving him a half-smile. "Thanks." Barry says quietly, staying seated next to Caitlin.

Mr. Turk stands and walks out.

"Cait?" Barry turns, scooting his chair closer to her.

"Hola, salut, hello, and good afternoon, dear friends!" Cisco shouts entering the room.

Caitlin looks up, a judgmental look on her face. "One day you're gonna enter a room full of people and not say a word."

"Yes." He says, sitting down. He leans forward. "My funeral. But that's just because they won't hear what I'm saying." He whispers. "What's this?" He asks, picking up the large folder.

He opens the folder and starts flipping through it. He looks up at Caitlin.

"All mine." She says, feigning excitement.

"Remember when we discussed you upping your budget?" Cisco says, raising his eyebrows at her. "Now you have zero excuse not to." He lays the folder down and notices her fidgeting with a drive. "And that?"

She looks up. " message. Apparently." She turns to Barry. "You got one too?"

He nods, pulling a newer looking drive out of his shirt pocket and handing it to Caitlin.

"Alright old man." She says, eyeing his shirt pocket and narrowing her eyebrows.

He continues looking at the drive that she's now holding.

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