Iris and Caitlin's Not-So-Excellent Adventure

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It's a trap. They walked into a trap. I have to warn them. I have to get there.

These are the only thoughts running through Caitlin's head as she drives to CCPD. She runs in, frantically looking for Joe. She sees him talking to Iris by his desk.

"Joe!" She calls out, running up to him.

He grabs her arm to help steady her as she wobbles from exhaustion. "What's wrong?" He asks, reacting to her panic.

"Jay, he-" She tries to take a breath to calm the burn in her lungs. "He's Zoom. Jay's Zoom."

It all came flooding to her the second he said the name. The reason Zoom knew so much about them. The way Jay supposedly got his speed matching Barry's perfectly. The reason Jay hadn't caught Zoom after two years of trying. Jay hating Harry. The reason Zoom wanted Barry's speed. He's dying. Like Jay.

"Breathe." Joe tries to calm her. "What do you mean Jay is Zoom?"

"We figured out Zoom's Earth-2 identity. Hunter Zolomon. Jay showed me his doppelganger."

"You found his doppelganger?" Iris asks excitedly.

Caitlin turns to her and nods. "Yeah. His name isn't Jay Garrick. It's Hunter Zolomon."

"Are you sure?" Joe asks.

Caitlin stands up straight and nods, her face turning serious. "Yes. Joe, they walked into a trap. Zoom knows they're coming." Joe looks at Iris, worry clear on his face. "I'm going to find them."

"No, you're not." Joe scolds.

"Joe, I can't leave them there. They don't know. They're sitting ducks."

"You can't go over there alone." Joe snaps.

"She's not." Iris cuts in.

Joe turns to her with surprised eyes. "Well you sure as hell won't be going with her."

"I'm not asking for permission, dad."

He huffs and turns to Caitlin who just shrugs. "Hey, I'm not arguing. She's better with a gun than I am."

He sighs and looks around the room. "Fine." He whispers. He reaches into his desk and pulls out an extra gun, handing it discreetly to Iris. "You two get our boys back. I'm gonna find Jay. With any luck we'll all be safe and have Zoom in custody by the end of this."

"You gonna go after him by yourself?" Caitlin asks.

"No, he's not." They all turn to see Patty standing behind them. "We have a shot at catching the man who almost killed the Flash...I wanna help."

"This isn't going to be easy." Joe warns her.

"He hurt Barry, Joe. I'm in." Patty snaps.

Joe takes a step back. "How did y-"

"Know Barry's the Flash." Patty says much quieter. "I opened my eyes. So, are we gonna get started or stand around?"

Patty turns to Iris and Caitlin. "We'll hold down the fort." Caitlin smiles at her and nods before her and Iris walk out, praying they don't run into Jay on the way to the breach.


"So, we just...walk through it?" Iris asks, staring into a bright glowing hole.

"Yep." Caitlin says.

"Any idea how to find them?" Iris asks.


"Great." Iris breathes out.

"Still wanna come with?" Caitlin asks, looking at Iris out of the corner of her eye.

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