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"So, tell me again how we got to this plan?" Iris asks as she finishes putting lipstick on Caitlin.

"Well, uh, Cisco?" Caitlin asks Cisco who is distracted trying to twist half of his hair into a bun.

"Huh?" He asks. "Oh, yeah, so I remembered I have this really cool black jacket and-"

"Go back further." Caitlin says, rolling her eyes.

"Fine." Cisco groans.


Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry work on finding the right frequency and intensity to knock all of the Earth 2 metas unconscious. Cisco is very close to the right one, but not quite. Caitlin is on the phone with Hartley instructing Cisco on what to do.

"I think you're enjoying this." Harry groans after Cisco sets off yet another wrong pulse that makes his head hurt.

"Almost there." Cisco announces.

"Hartley wants me to tell you he'd have figured this out a week ago if he was here." Caitlin says.

"We didn't even have the idea a week ago!" Cisco yells loud enough for Hartley to hear through the phone.

"I would have." Hartley says to Caitlin.

"I'm sure you would have."

"So how do you plan on amplifying it?" Hartley asks.

"Cisco thinks we can create a sound barrier around the city."

"Causing the pulse to bounce off itself." Hartley finishes. "And how does he plan to create this barrier?"


"It's a Barry-er." Cisco shouts.

Caitlin can just hear Hartley rolling his eyes.

"Barry isn't fast enough." Hartley comments.

"He's faster than when you last saw him." Caitlin explains.

"Then I guess that'll work." Hartley reluctantly admits. "Look, in all honesty I'm impressed you guys thought of this. I hope it works. Call me if you need any more help."

"Thanks, Hartley." Caitlin hangs up.

"He thinks the barrier will work. Cisco did you get the frequency down?"

"Yep!" He shouts. "So, we just need to release this pulse and after it bounces off the barrier and reaches the right frequency, night-night Earth 2."

"Zoom too?" Caitlin asks.

"Zoom too." Harry says, nodding to her. "And Jessie and I will have these," he holds up the headphones he has been working on for the last half hour, "to keep us from being affected."

"Great." Cisco says half-heartedly. "So...someone call Barry?"

Caitlin calls Barry who picks up Jessie on his way. Cisco explains the plan to them, and Harry gives Jessie her headphones. An alert pulls them from their explanation.

"Ramon! We're up." Harry announces.

"Black Siren is at the high-rise on the west side." Caitlin says, reading the alert. "Hundreds of people will die if that building goes down."

"I don't know how to stop her." Barry admits

"If we release the pulse, she'll go down with it." Harry explains.

"So, we just need to stall her." Cisco says.

"Any suggestions?" Barry asks.

A wild grin grows on Cisco's face. "One."

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