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Caitlin and Iris are walking back from CCPN where Iris has just secured her old job. Eddie is finishing up the month in New York before he makes the permanent move back. They have spent all morning looking for a new apartment for them. Eddie's old place has long since been sold and Iris is ready to get out of her dad's house again.

"I'm exhausted." Iris says, slumping in one of the armchairs at Jitters. Caitlin sighs and lays her head back, closing her eyes. "But you look worse. Seriously, do you sleep at all anymore?"

Caitlin chuckles and leans forward. "Just a lot going on."

"Tell me about it." Iris says, leaning back and sipping her latte.

"Harry made this serum back on Earth 2 that he gave to Jay to make him faster. We were gonna use it on Barry."

"Speed drug. Sounds super safe." Iris raises an eyebrow.

"Exactly. It's been destroying Jay's cells ever since he took it and it's starting to speed up."

"So, Jay's dying?" Iris clarifies.

Caitlin nods. "If we can figure out why, we may be able to reverse it. Maybe even make the serum safe, or use to..."

"Kill Zoom." Iris finishes for her.

"Sounds morbid, I know, but...I don't know. Maybe at least make it so it weakens him."

Iris nods. "Have any ideas on how to reverse the decay?"

"I think so. If I find his Earth 1 doppelganger, then maybe I can use his living cells to replace Jay's dying ones. But who knows if that would even work? "

"Worth a shot. I can help you look for him." Iris offers. Caitlin smiles. "If you help me with something."

Caitlin narrows her eyes and leans back. "What?"

"Wally's been avoiding me. I tried to talk to him about our mom the other night, but he just shut down. Keeps running off to these street races. Said he needs the money to pay for his mom's medical bills but it's dangerous."

Caitlin nods. "He's been helping with the bills since it all started. Didn't really think about them being all on him now that she's not working. Want me to talk to him?"

"No. Something a little more...adventurous." Iris says, a smirk forming on her face.

"I am not wearing this." Caitlin says, looking at herself in Iris's floor-length mirror. She's wearing a tight pair of leather pants and a low-cut see through tank top with heeled boots. "Nope. Like...everything is out." She says, tucking and pulling and twisting to feel less revealing.

"Oh c'mon!" Iris whines, slightly tugging down her short jean shorts and pulling out her tight top with a fur vest. "We have to blend in. If they think we're narcs they'll throw us out...or worse."

"But we're not narcs." Caitlin argues, looking herself and Iris over. "I look like I'm trying to pick someone up."

"Well, just stay close to me. Maybe they'll think we're together." Iris jokes, winking at Caitlin.

They both start laughing before turning to each other and nodding. "Ready?" Iris asks.

"As I'm gonna be." Caitlin says.

The two walk out and get in Caitlin's car. They drive outside of town to a yard known for street racing. Caitlin parks a little ways away and they walk in just as it gets dark, meaning the races are about to start. Whistles can be heard in the distance as they walk in and Caitlin wraps her arms around her stomach.

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