Sappy Holidays

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"Good morning." Caitlin whispers to Barry, kissing his cheek.

He grunts a little and shifts his head away from her. She kisses his cheek again. Then his jaw. Then his neck and, thankful he doesn't wear a shirt to bed, his shoulder.

"Not fair." He says softly. She looks up and sees that his eyes are still closed but he's smiling.

"We need to leave soon." She whispers, continuing to kiss his shoulder back up to his neck.

"I can run us there in a minute." He whispers, pulling her closer to him.

He slides his hands up her shirt while she kisses him, rolling over on top of him.

"Good. Cuz we need to be there in five." She quickly rolls off of him and off the bed. She gets her foot caught up in a blanket and stumbles trying to get away from Barry who has sat up and is reaching for her. She gets about two feet from the bed when he grabs her waist and pulls her back to him, falling back on the bed. They're both laughing, Caitlin's back to Barry's chest. His arms are wrapped around her and her legs are curled up, trying to roll away. He lets her roll off of him and she lays down next to him, now sideways on the bed. He leans over and kisses the back of her shoulder.

"Merry Christmas." He says softly, smiling against her shoulder.

She rolls around to face him and kisses his nose. "Merry Christmas."

The two lay together for a few moments before finally going into the kitchen to make coffee and get started on the day.

"You don't have to dress nice, y'know. It's just my dads." Barry says as Caitlin walks out in a pair of jeans, boots, and a nice red sweater.

"Okay, one, I'm not dressed that nice. Two, I have to make a good impression."

"He's already met you." Barry laughs.

"Yeah. Once as your doctor. Then as your friend who ran away. Then after I'd been abducted by a gorilla. I'm counting this as my fourth try." She says.

Barry laughs again and walks up to her. "He already loves you. And you're making a great impression just by suggesting that we go."

"Good. But I'm not changing. What am I supposed to wear? Pajamas?" Barry raises his eyebrows like that's not a bad idea. "I'm not wearing pajamas, Bar." She scolds.

He goes and changes into a similar outfit, which Caitlin makes fun of him for, then they run off to Montana. Barry stops outside of a secluded cabin with a large front drive, and what looks like the remnants of a large garden and wood stack under a blanket of snow.

"This is gorgeous." Caitlin breathes out as Barry sets her down.

Barry puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her in to keep her warm. They walk to the front door and knock. Henry opens the door, looking like a true woodsman with some grown out scruff and a thick flannel shirt.

"What's this?" He asks excitedly as he pulls both of them in for a hug.

"Merry Christmas!" Caitlin says cheerfully as she pulls away from the hug, letting him give Barry a full one.

"Merry Christmas, dad." Barry says to his dad as he hugs him tighter.

"Well it is now." Henry exclaims, inviting them in.

Barry is happy to see a fully decorated cabin. It looks homey and warm. Caitlin and Henry go into the kitchen where she offers to help him cook breakfast. Barry watches as they talk and laugh while cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes. Caitlin and Henry bring platefuls of food over to the dining table where Barry has already dramatically tucked a napkin into the collar of his shirt.

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