Earth to Caitlin

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"You sure you don't want me to stay?

"I'll be fine." Caitlin says, only partially paying attention, her focus on the unfamiliar S.T.A.R. Labs.

"Okay, well when you're ready to come back, make sure it's stabilized and you should be able to walk right through." Jay says. Caitlin hums in response, but doesn't turn around. Jay goes back to Earth 1, leaving Caitlin alone.

Caitlin walks into an unfamiliar office, looks around, and walks out to explore. When she walks outside one of the offices in the S.T.A.R. Labs complex, she sees elevated train rails, people dressed...similar to how Earth 1 people dress, but not quite the same. She looks across the courtyard and sees what looks like the main building in the complex. When she walks in she looks around to see a building that's twice as pretentious as their S.T.A.R. Labs. Apparenlty even Thawne can be outdone on theatrics. She looks around and overhears someone talking frantically about Harry.

"He hasn't been here in weeks. What the hell are we suppose to be telling people? Someone has to run this place." Some man in a disheveled black tux rambles. Caitlin walks up to them.

"Hi, I'm looking for Harrison Wells' office." She says, as officially as she can. The man and the woman he was talking to look curiously at her. They work for Harry, so surely they respond well to impatience and a superiority complex. "Considering you work here I assume you're at least slightly competent enough to know where your boss's office is?" They both look taken aback, but look more willing to answer her.

"Who's asking?" The man speaks up, straightening up a bit.

"Someone much higher than your paygrade, hon. Just point me in the direction and I'm sure I can find it myself." She says, offering a condescending smile.

The woman looks at the man and points to the elevator. "Fifth floor. Turn right. Big double doors. You can't miss it."

Caitlin nods and smiles, turning to the elevator. "Well damn." She mutters to herself. "Maybe Harry's onto something."

She walks into Harry's office and starts looking for anything she can find on his computer or in his files about Zoom. She looks up news reports, history on the accelerator explosion, anything she can think of. There isn't anything he hasn't already told her. She does, however, see a picture on his desk of him and Jessie, his daughter. She puts it in a bag she brought with her and continues looking through the recent news since Harry left. More of Zoom terrorizing the town. Talks of a curfew and mass distribution of Harry's meta detectors. She can't help but wonder if Zoom had been created on Earth 1 if Team Flash would've stopped him before he got this powerful. But Jay was here, so maybe Zoom was just that good.

She saves a few files off Harry's computer regarding his Velocity trials and recent news. While saving one news article she notices two familiar names mentioned: CSI Barry Allen and Detective West. She smiles, deciding on her next stop. She sends a map of Central City to her phone so she can find her way and leaves S.T.A.R. Labs. She walks through Central City, trying to figure out what she's gonna pretend to be when she goes in? Doctor? Reporter? Concerned citizen? She realizes she should've looked herself up to see if they would know her.

She walks in and sees a similar station to the one on Earth 1. She flinches when she sees Leonard Snart walking through in a suit rather than handcuffs.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, but we do not have the resources to enforce a curfew." A cop apologizes, as Snart walks swiftly toward the elevator.

"Find them." He orders, in the same nasally voice that sounds almost more unnerving when it's making orders rather than threats.

"Can I help you, Miss?" A voice from behind her asks. She turns and sees a cop she doesn't know.

"Uhm yes, I was looking for Barry Allen."

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