Was it Worth it?

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Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry walk into the time vault. Barry approaches the podium and inserts the drive Thawne gave him when he went back in time. Nothing happens.

"Password protected?" Caitlin suggests.

"What would Thawne's password be?" Barry asks.

"Murder." Cisco says immediately. Nothing happens. Cisco tries a series of increasingly unlikely passwords until he finally gives up.

"Are you about done?" Harry asks impatiently behind them. They all turn to him. He walks around them. "It's touch activated." He reaches out and places his hand on the podium. A holographic screen full of incredibly small writing, equations, notes, diagrams, etc., appear in front of them.

"Oh, that immediately gave me a headache." Caitlin groans, looking away.

"Guys, this is it. This is how we defeat Zoom." Barry says hopefully, his eyes glued to the image.

The team spends the next two days picking apart and deciphering the content on the drive.

Caitlin stands to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cisco asks harshly from underneath his desk.

"Well I was gonna get us all some coffee but not with that tone." She says, her eyebrow raised at him.

"Sorry." He squeaks out. "Two espresso shots please." He curls back up under his desk.

Caitlin makes her way to Jitters, arriving just before it closes.

"Usual?" The barista at the counter asks her.

Caitlin smiles and nods. "Two extra shots in the French roast."

"Caitlin." Caitlin hears a soft voice behind her. She turns to see Patty. "Can we talk?"

Caitlin smiles and follows her to a table.

"I'm so sorry I accused you of cheating on Barry. I just, I care about him and I know how much he cares about you and it seemed like he was down, and I was-"

"Just worried about your friend." Caitlin finishes for her, smiling. "I'm not mad. I was upset that I couldn't put your mind at ease at the time, but I'm not mad. I'm glad you're in now. It makes talking a lot easier."

"Yeah." Patty says, her voice drifting off.

"What's up?" Caitlin asks with a tone of concern.

"I uh...I always wanted to be a CSI. Always loved the science side of it all. I took the short route with becoming a cop. Less school. Less time away from Central City. More likely to be in on the action."

"Are you having regrets?" Caitlin asks.

Patty shakes her head. "I'm not sure. I didn't think so. Kept telling myself I preferred all the action, but I kept finding myself in Barry's lab and wanting to do his job and wanting to help him anytime I could. It was all just so fascinating. And once we got Mardon..."

Caitlin gives her a sympathetic smile, completely understanding why she chose to be a cop.

"I got accepted into a CSI program."

"Patty, that's great." Caitlin says excitedly.

"It's in Midway City." Patty finishes.

"So, you'd have to leave."

Patty nods. "I don't know. I finally felt like I was making my way into things here. Joe isn't keeping things from me anymore...I don't think. I felt like you all were letting me in on more things."

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