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Cisco shrieks when Iris turns the lights on. He turns and sees her standing by the switch. "I hate coming down to the morgue." Cisco groans.

"Why do you guys even have a morgue?" Iris asks, accusingly.

"Some of the scientists here used cadavers. I think Caitlin did a few times. And after all this, Wells uh...he did some work down here."

"You never questioned what he was doing?" Iris asks, holding up a long metal probe.

"Didn't have a reason to at the time." Cisco defends.

"So, what are we looking for?" Iris asks.

"Caitlin digitized all the notes on Barry's recovery. There should be a drive around here somewhere. It'll help Henry know what's going on with Jessie."

Iris and Cisco start filtering through boxes. There is a constant knocking sound, but each of them assumes it's the other knocking things over. A loud knock finally gets their attention.

"Would you stop bumping into things." Iris asks. "It's creepy enough down here."

"That wasn't me." Cisco says flatly, still scanning the area in front of him. "Got it!" He says proudly, holding up a drive.

A deafening crack and thud make both of them jump and look to the wall with the containers. A large metal door starts to fall, crashing to the ground.

Tony, also known as Girder, the ex-bully of Barry who can turn into metal, who died after mysteriously escaping during the blackout caused by Farooq Gibran and was later discovered to have been let out by Wells during the attempts to get Barry's speed back to act as a distraction, is, to Cisco and Iris's unpleasant surprise, standing, not dead, in the doorway.

"Zombie Girder." Cisco whispers to himself. "Awesome."

Girder shouts in a way that almost sounds like a growl. He starts stalking forward, his body remaining in its metal state. Each step puts a dent in the thick metal door.

"Not awesome." Cisco squeals before pulling Iris back to run out of the room with him.

They get out of the morgue while Girder follows slowly behind them. When he gets to the hallway, he sees a large windowed wall. He crashes through it, stepping outside.


Barry wakes up and stretches, feeling his feet leave the end of his bed. He opens his eyes and sees a room that feels more like a memory. He looks around at his childhood bedroom. His fish tank to the left. His telescope and solar system to the right. He stands, walking past his bookshelf of toys and wall of posters. He examines the tops of his dresser, the book, the dinosaur, the robot. He turns to walk out the door, dodging the basketball hoop attached to it.

He takes a few deep breaths and smiles as he walks down the familiar steps to the living room. He runs his hand along the old wooden bannister. He lets out a sigh of relief at the comfort that washes over him when he reaches the bottom and sees the untouched living room. He steps over and as the adjacent room comes into view, he sees a loose piece of tape blowing. He walks closer and sees the room taped off. Joe, kneeling and taking notes in the middle of it.

"Joe?" Barry asks softly.

Joe turns and smiles widely at him. "Good to see you, Barry." He tilts his head. "But I'm not Joe."

Barry looks at him confused. "None of this...none of this is real?"

Joe shakes his head, keeping a warm smile. "How does it feel? Being back here?"

"I feel awful." Barry mutters out, his eyes watering from the memories of the house.

"We thought this appearance, this house, might make you more comfortable." Joe explains.

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