The Plan

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"He was adopted. Took on the name of his adopted parents. Zolomon. His name's Hunter Zolomon."

"Well I gotta go tell Iris." Caitlin quickly says, gathering her purse and keys. "She'll be excited to find out he exists." She's seemingly talking to herself while she rushes to get up. "See you at the labs tomorrow morning?" She doesn't wait for an answer before she wanders off.

Jay notices Caitlin's change in demeanor but laughs it off...almost. He decides to follow her to CCPN to make sure everything is alright. Surely, she'd tell him if something came up, but maybe not. He isn't too worried, until she turns toward CCPD instead of CCPN.

Maybe Iris is visiting her dad, Jay thinks. He waits outside until he sees Caitlin run inside, her face panicked. He runs in behind her, barely missing her elevator. What happened? Why is she scared? She couldn't have heard anything from Barry or Cisco yet. What is wrong?

Jay walks out of the elevator and sees Caitlin frantically talking to Joe and Iris. He ducks behind the door frame into the back of the precinct.

"He's Zoom. Jay's Zoom." Caitlin heavily breathes out.

How could she know that?

"Breathe." Joe tries to calm her. "What do you mean Jay is Zoom?"

Maybe he'll talk her out of it.

"We figured out Zoom's Earth-2 identity. Hunter Zolomon."

How the hell could she have figured that out?

"Jay showed me his doppelganger." Caitlin says.

"You found his doppelganger?" Iris asks excitedly.

Get her off topic.

Caitlin turns to her and nods. "Yeah. His name isn't Jay Garrick. It's Hunter Zolomon."

I gave myself away? That's not possible. How could she have possibly heard of that name? Wells surely didn't tell her. If he ever suspected, he would've done something long before now.

"Are you sure?" Joe asks.


Caitlin stands up straight and nods, her face turning serious. "Yes. Joe, they walked into a trap."


"Zoom knows they're coming. I'm going to find them."

No. No, you're not. I can't protect you if you get in the way. You can't save them.

Jay takes off out of the precinct. He gets back to S.T.A.R. Labs as quickly as he can. He has to get to Earth 2 and tell Zoom the plan has changed. Caitlin will not be waiting for them back here. If she gets to them before he does, this entire plan is ruined. Jay gets through the breach and makes his way to the forest. Before he can get there, Zoom finds him. He takes off his cowl and grabs Jay.

"Not having second thoughts, are we?" He growls.

Jay rips himself away from Zoom. "No. Caitlin-"

"What about Caitlin?" Zoom snaps.

"She caught on. She knows I'm Zoom. She-" Jay gasps as Zoom's hand impales his chest.

"Then I really have no further use for you." Zoom says darkly.

Jay's eyes are wide before they flicker closed and his body goes limp, falling to the ground.


"So, his dad murdered his mom in front of him when he was a kid and he spent the rest of his childhood in the foster care system?" Joe clarifies. Harry and Caitlin nod. "His dad was a known angry drunk even before he went to, what did you call it?"

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