Breach Boys

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Caitlin wakes up to the smell of something burning. She gets up and runs into the kitchen, quickly joined by Barry appearing beside her, to see the room full of smoke and Jessie fanning a skillet of burning...what looks like maybe bacon.

"Sorry!" She cries out, now trying to fan the whole room. "I'm not used to cooking on a stove without a bacon button."

Caitlin looks at Barry in confusion. He races around the room, moving the skillet off the hot stove, opening a window, and covering the bacon so it stops smoking.

"Did you say 'bacon button'?" Caitlin asks while she finishes cleaning up the kitchen. Jessie nods. "I don't even want to know."

"I wanted to make breakfast for you guys since you're letting me stay but...well yeah. Didn't work out so well."

"Different earth. Different stove. Can't blame you." Barry says, starting to brew a new pot of coffee that actually has coffee grounds in it this time.

"Yeah. Never really learned how to cook. Dad isn't much of a home meal kinda guy."

"Hadn't noticed." Caitlin jokes.

"I think he's already gone through a few loyalty cards at Big Belly Burger." Barry adds.

"Well I have semi-successful toast and I was able to cut up some fruit." Jessie points out.

"That's already more than you needed to do." Caitlin says. "Thank you."

The three sit and eat breakfast while Jessie fills them in on what Harry was like before Zoom and the metas. She informs them that her mom died when she was young, and he hadn't been the same since.

"I uh...actually haven't seen him this relaxed around people...ever." Jessie says, her eyes on her food.

"He's relaxed?" Caitlin asks. "He's like ten seconds from blowing up at all times."

"That's eight more seconds than normal." Jessie says, smiling at them.

"Well speaking of, I gotta get to the labs. Harry and I are meeting with Cisco about using his powers to open a breach." Barry says, standing up to put his dishes away.

"Think that'll work? He's still working to get more control of his vibes." Caitlin asks.

Barry nods. "Harry thinks he can find a way to help him channel his powers to open a breach. Won't know till we try."

He kisses Caitlin on the head and runs out.

"Don't you need to get to the labs too?" Jessie asks.

Caitlin shakes her head. "No, I need to finish packing. Barry and I are moving into the new place tomorrow...finally, and Eddie and Iris are coming over for dinner tonight since Eddie is back in town and I need to get stuff to make a decent dinner. Different from our frozen pizza or fast food usual."

Jessie just nods while Caitlin collects the rest of the dishes.

"Do you wanna help?" She asks.

Jessie turns and looks at her with a small smile. "If you don't mind having me around all day. I could go back to the lab and give you some space."

"Nonsense. I could use all the help I can get."

Jessie and Caitlin get to work on packing up the last of Caitlin's things while she tells Jessie about the team and starting out, what Harry has been like since he got here, and their experiences on Earth 2. When lunch time comes around, they decide to go to Jitters.

After ordering and sitting down, they see a very distressed looking Barry walk in.


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