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"They're on their way!" Joe shouts from the front door.

"Now?" Caitlin shouts back from the kitchen in a panic.

Joe runs into the kitchen. "Yeah, but they're driving, so they'll be a minute."

Caitlin sighs in relief and goes back into the kitchen. Her and Joe finish cooking all of Barry's favorite foods and what foods Joe can remember Henry talking about Nora cooking. They lay some of the food in the dining room and some in the living room. Caitlin lays out some chilled glasses while Joe gets pictures of some major points in Barry's life, including one he took fairly recently that Barry doesn't know about.

"I've got the bubbly!" A loud voice calls from the front entryway.

Caitlin runs out and grabs the bottles of champagne out of Cisco's hands. "You're late."

"I couldn't pick one." Cisco defends. "There isn't a 'just released from prison' section at the liquor store."

Once everything is set up Joe does one last check and stands in the front entryway waiting for Henry and Barry to get there. Caitlin and Cisco are standing in the living room. Within a few seconds, there is a knock at the door. Joe opens the door.

"Welco," Cisco and Caitlin start to shout before sighing. "Hi Professor. Clarissa." She says, smiling at the couple at the door.

"Are we late?" Stein asks.

"No. Come on in." Joe says, motioning for them to come in. They make their way into the living room with Caitlin and Cisco.

After a few more seconds, the door starts to open. Barry, with a smile reaching from ear to ear, walking with his dad right behind him.

"Welcome home!" They all shout. Caitlin jumps as Cisco releases a confetti popper next to her face. She turns to glare at him, but it quickly turns into a smirk when she sees Cisco's child-like smile. Henry walks in and hugs Joe, looking around the house.

"Nothing's changed." He observes.

"Oh, ha! I wish that were true." Joe says.

Barry walks in and shakes Stein's hand and hugs Clarissa, introducing his dad to them. Henry then walks over and hugs Cisco and Caitlin who he's met a couple of times now, and has heard plenty about.

"Glad to see you're back." Henry says to Caitlin after releasing her from a hug.

"Same to you." She smiles back.

Henry gasps as he looks into the dining room. He walks in and starts fixing a plate of his favorite foods that he hasn't eaten in fifteen years, and pours himself a glass of champagne.

"You outdid yourself." Barry says quietly as he walks up next to Caitlin.

"It was a team effort." She says, turning to smile at him.

He is watching his dad with a child-like admiration.

"Yeah, I picked out the champagne." Cisco leans over to add in.

Barry wraps his arm around Caitlin and leans over to kiss her on top of her head. "Thank you." He whispers to her before walking into the dining room to get food with his dad.

Caitlin takes a deep breath and turns to Cisco who is smiling at her. "Oh, shut up." She smirks at him, walking back to talk to Stein.

After a while, everyone has gathered in groups of two to talk and catch up. Henry joins Caitlin who is sitting alone on the couch.

"I hear I have you to thank for this afternoon?" Henry says, smiling at her.

Caitlin laughs. "Like I told Barry. It was a team effort."

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