End of Mercy

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Henry finishes taking Barry's blood pressure, checking all of his vitals to make sure he's okay.

"Dad, I'm alright." Barry assures him. "Great, actually. Physically, I feel great."

"And otherwise?"

"I saw mom." Henry looks at him. "I mean, it was the speed force, but I got to talk to her. An image of her." Barry says, a small smile spreading on his face.

Henry smiles at him and puts his hand on his shoulder. "She would be so incredibly proud of you."

Barry chuckles and nods.

"I would prescribe plenty of sleep and fluids, but I have a feeling you'd ignore that."

"You caught on quick." Barry smiles. "Caitlin still tries to get me to listen to her medical advice." Barry sighs. "I still don't know how to get her back." He looks desperately up at his dad.

"We'll find a way, son. Have faith. Have hope."

Joe walks in with Eddie, both looking distressed.

"What happened?" Barry asks, hopping of the bed and walking into the cortex with Henry.

"Fifteen people were murdered last night. Twelve in their homes." Joe tells them. "We've been at crime scenes non-stop since we left this morning."

"Zoom?" Barry asks.

Joe shakes his head. "Other metas. Guess they went on a spree last night."

"Any correlation?" Henry asks.

"Cisco thinks they were all metas too." Eddie explains.

"The victims?" Barry asks.

Eddie nods. "Some of their families were already aware of them having powers. Cisco said he got dark matter readings on all of the bodies."

"He's recruiting." Harry says as he walks in.

"How's Jessie?" Barry asks.

"She's good. Resting." He assures them. "Zoom. He brought over more Earth 2 metas. It wasn't just Rupture. He's recruiting."

"Well how many metas are left here?" Eddie asks. "We've been dealing with them left and right since the explosion."

Harry scoffs. "Hundreds. Thousands. Maybe more. This," he pulls up a seemingly endless list of names on the computer, "is a list of the metas on my earth. And these are just the known ones. My particle accelerator explosion was contained. This one wasn't."

"What is he recruiting them for?" Henry asks.

"War." Harry says flatly.

"So, the victims..."

"Refused his proposal...most likely." Harry finishes for him.

Barry sighs, running his hands through his hair. "How many officers are on duty?"

"All of them." Joe answers. "All of them that didn't quit or die last night. Singh is running around crazy. Desmond and Jones are finishing canvassing. Spivot left for Midway just in time."

"We could use her though." Eddie comments.

"It's better that she's away from it." Barry says. "We need to figure out how to get ahead of this. Before they attack."

"Not until we eat." Cisco announces, walking in with two armfuls of bags from Big Belly Burger. "We got Barry back. We stopped Girder. Barry did some hoodoo and woke Jessie up. I say we give ourselves a break and eat."

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