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"You want to do what?" Caitlin exclaims, hopping off the desk she was sitting on and taking a step toward Harry.

"We're gonna use Dr. Light to lure Zoom here." He explains.

"By having her pretend to kill Barry?" Cisco clarifies. Harry nods.

"And if she decides to, oh I don't know, actually kill Barry?" Caitlin asks.

"She won't." Barry cuts in calmly. "She wants free of Zoom too."

"Killing you would free her from Zoom." Caitlin argues, notably calmer than she was when arguing with Harry.

"Not permanently. Not as much as stopping Zoom would."

"Does she know that? Does she have enough faith in the plan to take that risk?" Caitlin asks.

"She doesn't need faith. She needs reason. Reason says this will work and it's our best bet." Harry cuts in. "All you have to do, Snow, is listen to that if you don't have enough faith in Barry."

"It's your shoddy plan I don't have faith in not Barry." Caitlin says through gritted teeth.

The arguing stops. Everyone has made up their minds, and whether Caitlin liked it or not, as much as they were all a team, the final decision was up to Barry and Barry alone.

"I won't be a part of this." Jay speaks up, walking away from the corner he was leaning against. He'd been silent during this entire argument.

"Of course. We're confronting Zoom. Why would you be a part of it?" Harry snaps.

"Exactly. Why would I? Why would I, the only person in his room who knows anything about Zoom, have anything to do with this plan. I wouldn't. It's a stupid and careless plan. Zoom won't fall for it and if he does show up, he'll be ready. And Barry will die." Jay sighed. His voice was firm, but not loud. He turned to Barry. "I won't take part in a plan that ends with you losing your life."

Caitlin calls after Jay. He was right. He did know Zoom the best and this plan had too many holes in it. If they were gonna do this, they needed him. She followed him to the door. "Jay, please. We need your help."

Jay turns and looks at the room, then back at Caitlin. "My help won't save him if he does this." He says softly and walks out.

Caitlin turns and looks at all of them. She walks up to Barry. "I can help you. But I can't bring you back from the dead. Please...please think about this more."

"I'm doing it, Cait." He says apologetically.

Caitlin and Cisco both sigh. "What do you need us to do?"


Caitlin goes to Joe's house to fill him in and check on Linda. Linda is staying with him and Barry until they can get this Dr. Light thing under control. Caitlin walks in and is smacked by a bundle of smells that individually might be good but together smells less than pleasant.

"Linda?" Caitlin calls through her coughing.

"In here!" She calls from the kitchen.

Caitlin walks into the dining room and sees a table full of breads and casseroles and cakes and cookies.

"Uh, Linda? Expecting company?" Caitlin asks.

Linda walks out with another cake in her hands. "No...I cook when I'm nervous." She sighs and sits at the kitchen table. "When are we gonna find out more? I can't keep sitting here doing nothing."

"I understand. Trust me, I do." Caitlin says, sitting down across from Linda. "They're working on something. You'll know more when I do."

"How are you involved in all of this?" Linda asked, genuinely curious. "Off the record. I just noticed you're always around when stuff happens. You and Cisco."

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